Example sentences of "[pron] could be [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And I could be with the children
2 Yeah , its just er I feel you know its , its a waste of your life , you know sitting , I have to drive through the , the necessity to work every day , its an hour of my day spent just behind a wheel when I could be in the train , you know reading or doing something more productive
3 But the Government fears the new technology — which could be in the shops by Christmas next year — will lead to an explosion of explicit porn and violence .
4 She looked as if she could be on the cover of a fashion magazine .
5 ‘ She 's fine , Mum , or at least as fine as she could be in the circumstances .
6 But we believe she could be in the Aberystwyth area , ’ said the spokesman .
7 So , if you are the other side of the horizon , away from the VOR transmitter , you could be below the transmission and not receive any signals .
8 You could be on the floor this weekend for your world seems somewhat dull , listless and dreary without a flicker of excitement on the horizon to look forward to .
9 Identify the plants above and you could be on the road to a brand new five-door Renault Clio .
10 From the front , it looks like a textured wall that time forgot — once inside , you could be in the corridor of a completely wooden train .
11 If we got our tea early we could be at the park tonight .
12 ‘ We buy 50 to 60 cars a year , and if they prove to be as good as they are at the moment at the end of the year I think we could be in the market again for more diesels .
13 And er we could all get it wrong , and we could be in the E R M , i if we go back into the E R M then er you know if they stabilize interest rates across Europe er then we could be okay .
14 ‘ We believe we could be in the midst of one of the worst recessions since the last world war , ’ he said .
15 Mum was getting on by this time and her own health was n't excellent , and I moved to Manchester so we could be near the RMCH where they do a vast amount with CF. We hired a retired nurse to act as housekeeper and she did his physio when I was n't there , and between us we managed to keep him going . ’
16 We could be like the Japanese without the technology .
17 We do this by assuming that it is in fact cooperative , and then asking ourselves what possible connection there could be between the location of Bill and the location of a yellow VW , and thus arrive at the suggestion ( which B effectively conveys ) that , if Bill has a yellow VW , he may be in Sue 's house .
18 So to be able to the sweepstake in the past another church and they could be , they could be on the interest you know , the amount towards running costs such as this .
19 Our mussels are cleaned and are sold fresh , staying that way for at least five days — by which time they could be in the south of France . ’
20 They could be in the lab tomorrow ’
21 It could be towards the end of your assignment you want to fin wrap it up get one la one last slot and you say , Yeah you can have a ten percent .
22 LISS looks set to get its new junior school this year , villagers heard at the parish council 's annual general meeting but there is bitter disappointment that it could be at the cost of a community centre .
23 But he fears it could be at the expense of star turn Byrne .
24 His acceptance of Franco 's " absolution " was given in the knowledge that if he engaged in further subversive activities , it could be at the risk of his career .
25 my Lord I , I suppose the answer to that is yes , it could be on the facts , it could be that if there was in a free market then they 'd be all sorts of varieties of clause whereby the name and kept the agent funds , erm maybe
26 It could be on the market within four years .
27 It could be on the market in the next month or so .
28 ‘ I think it could be on the cards .
29 It was stressed to parents that the questions were being asked with the full co-operation of the headteacher and staff and with the express aim of making the experience in this particular nursery the best it could be for the children .
30 But if you just want one multi-purpose power saw , it could be worth the investment .
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