Example sentences of "[pron] see [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 over taking you know cutting right in front of you and er , you just , I see things in front of me and I can hardly believe that there has n't been a horrible accident , you know , just seeing the things that happening on the road .
2 When he stares at me again I see flecks of amber in the brown of his eyes .
3 This was based on the research of Nesta Webster , the grand dame of British conspiracy theory , who saw Jews in alliance with other subversive forces , as being behind all the ills of the modern world , from the threats to the British Empire through to the nudity movement .
4 I know we see hours of golf during the season but we also see hours of cricket .
5 — was filmed on a coral reef in the Caribbean Sea where we see forms of life beyond our wildest fantasies .
6 So that standing on the platforms of our great inland stations , we watch a salutary stir in the ebb and flow of restless men ; we see men under treatment by Motion , and know there is a chance for them .
7 The most relevant aspect of his advice concerns ‘ rural tourism ’ as one inevitable relationship between government and the rural people , which introduces biases in development programmes in which the poorer are neglected because they are inescapably the most remote and difficult to reach ; and in which university education and professional training blinker and condition researchers and planners so that they see problems of poverty in terms of their own specialisation and through filters of supposedly superior knowledge and status .
8 Norman Lamont joins IBM as chief financial officer , says he sees glimmers of green among the brown shoots of economic winter .
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