Example sentences of "[pron] see [conj] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm to my self respect and I just I was determined that it was n't going to happen to my daughter , so in consequence I saw that working on the side to get to get the uniform so that she could go to school in a new uniform same as all the other kids as a necessity .
2 The way labour is organized — the division of labour — is itself seen as depending upon the wage levels , the availability of different skills and the extent of unionization .
3 Since , as we saw when looking at the financing of the PSBR , such borrowing does not increase the money supply , it reduces the otherwise expansionary effect on the money supply of the PSBR .
4 There are those critics of the polytechnics who regard this as a most unfortunate development and would go so far as to castigate them for betraying their primary purpose , which they see as providing for the communities in which they are located , something which of necessity can only be done primarily through part-time provision .
5 Bees learn colour only in the final three seconds as they land : the colour visible to the bee before the landing sequence , the colours it sees while standing on the flower to feed and while circling the blossom before flying off , simply never register .
6 Instead he describes a crisis which he sees as spreading throughout the entire penal system , affecting other penal disposals such as probation , community service , fines and so on .
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