Example sentences of "[pron] up [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On Oct. 6 Klaus Kuron , 54 , who had worked since 1962 for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution ( Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz — BfV ) , gave himself up to the authorities and was formally arrested shortly afterwards .
2 Tell Russell to give himself up to the police and when they have dealt with him , Mr Christie , I am going to shoot him . ’
3 Connolly gave himself up to the police and was charged with damage to the cell amounting to ten shillings .
4 Official accounts of the trial noted that although he had been involved in plotting the occupation of Tiananmen Square , he had given himself up to the police and had shown " repentance " .
5 I know you like hiking because I saw a photo of you in your little bum-freezers , so we 'll take you up on the moors and then call at Harry Ramsden 's for some fish ‘ n ’ chips .
6 I 'll sit you up on the pillows and you 'll be nice and comfy . ’
7 And what a snore he had … strong , long , thick and hard , it was a snore that went on all night long , a snore that never let up , baby ! … a snore that reached the highest heights and the deepest depths , a snore that took you up among the stars and down into the very inside of yourself .
8 Putting them up in the wires and other men putting them on the hot plates to fire .
9 To dry beans , leave the mature pods on the plants as long as possible , then pull them up by the roots and hang them in the sun to complete drying .
10 And then , with a kind of war whoop , he picked me up under the armpits and carried me out to the choir waiting outside .
11 Two of the archers picked me up under the armpits and hustled me down the steps of the scaffold .
12 Well , people that I spoke to , spoken to from Cardiff , they they originally got involved because one of the lads used to work up in the factory , the chairman of their labour club , and after that I do n't , politically you know it started off completely non political , but after a while people latched on to it as a dispute that could be won , and you know that would be one up for the workers and the country .
13 Look what happened to Flaubert : a century after his death Sartre , like some brawny , desperate lifeguard , spent ten years beating on his chest and blowing into his mouth ; ten years trying to yank him back to consciousness , just so that he could sit him up on the sands and tell him exactly what he thought of him .
14 And er and then I 'd load it up into the tubs and tram it out into the gate .
15 I bought a steak and kidney pie , heated it up with the peas and some potatoes and put a couple of spoonfuls of peas on my plate to kid him I 'd had some .
16 I 'm not the best to s pick it up on the stitches and
17 Regular users of it wrap the edges round wooden batons , secured with a few tacks , leaving these to rest on the ground , and rolling it up on the batons when the season is over .
18 Ahmed : When you are Black and gay and you open yourself up to the realities and contradictions inherent in this combined identity , it provides a better basis for understanding other people 's experience , both intellectually and intuitively .
19 Go on , push yourself up on the handles and let the trolley take you for a ride , just like a child !
20 People setting themselves up as the philosophers and artists and intelligentsia and other people setting themselves up as their assessors ?
21 With only the staff at Bloomsbury House and their regional offices as the long stop for advice and modest practical assistance , it is not surprising that a high proportion of Kindertransporte veterans , possibly as many as one in ten , found themselves up against the police or other bastions of social authority .
22 There was also a Corporal of the week — Vigno — and his duties included the more mundane tasks of getting us up in the mornings and making sure that the rooms were kept clean .
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