Example sentences of "[pron] as the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 This strikes me as the best way of getting a real working knowledge of computers .
2 The government 's obvious intention was to identify me as the main source of all the criticism and speculation running counter to the official line on Flight 103 and then to destroy me .
3 The Youngs were with the Unwins from Australia and Filmer and Daffodil shared a table with a pair Nell later identified to me as the American owners of the horse called Flokati .
4 She would see Mama and Papa again soon , they were coming over well before the wedding , and what bliss to greet them as the future Marchioness of Blaine , beautiful blond Havvie by her side , eager to meet them — or so he publicly said — his private comments were somewhat different — more to the effect that he could swallow Sally-Anne and her dollars , but her parvenu papa was quite another thing !
5 It is easy to dismiss them as the strategic outpourings of a new recruit trying to impress the party machine .
6 Politicians in Zagreb have no trouble in imagining them as the advance guard of a new patrol on the frontiers of a greater Serbia .
7 The January price rises [ see p. 38730-31 ] had been higher than expected and painful , but he described them as the logical conclusions of the policies of Soviet Prime Ministers Nikolai Ryzhkov and Valentin Pavlov .
8 If mothers receive a benefit which they are expected and indeed do spend to service the needs of their families , then this re-confirms them as the day-to-day managers of household finances , which for millions of women is not only a chore but also a source of considerable anxiety ( McClelland , 1982 ) .
9 I think of them as the sea-bird equivalent of a peregrine or other member of the falcon family .
10 In the years that followed , the German bourgeoisie gained considerable economic and industrial power , but did not struggle against the Junkers since they regarded them as the very backbone of German society ; the Junkers , even though they were already ‘ pensioners of economic history ’ were a convenient rallying point for Völkisch opinion and as such had no particular reason to adapt to the changing economic structure of Europe or Germany .
11 The Junkers tolerated the troublesome middle classes only because they guaranteed the Junkers their place in German society ; the middle classes looked up to the Junker traditional leadership , and regarded them as the German image of itself .
12 Aneurin Bevan , who led the revolt against the charges , portrayed them as the direct result of the financial strains caused by the rearmament programme .
13 He saw himself as the only point of free will in the landscape before him , and if he could move his body with a purpose , then his mind would shake off the slough of misery and clear for action .
14 He saw himself as the political leader of the Evangelicals , but in reality his views were too extreme and his style too combative for him to command general support .
15 By December 1982 , when Celtic lifted the League Cup for the first time since the mid-'70s , Nicholas had established himself as the young sensation of Scottish football .
16 You feel him imagining himself as the last rock of culture and civilization being swept over by a wave of barbarism and Jews ( communism and commercialism ) , the saviour of more than the Constitution , the saviour of all that has been culture , the snob of the West .
17 During the Polish revolt of 1863 , M. N. Katkov ( 1818–87 ) established himself as the leading spokesman of an upsurge in nationalist fervour .
18 By studying the gospel references to the apocalyptic Jewish figure of the ‘ Son of Man ’ — whom Jesus sometimes appears to identify with himself , but sometimes not — Wrede had come to the conclusions that Jesus had not in fact applied the title to himself ; that after his resurrection the church had come to anticipate his return ; that it had then identified Jesus himself as the coming Son of Man ; and that the impression given in the gospels of a ‘ messianic secret ’ that Jesus in his lifetime conveyed only to his closest disciples , and charged them not to reveal to others until the proper time came , was a mere literary device to support that identification .
19 It means that Paul VI saw himself as the true heir of Pope John — but of a very different Pope John from the version usually presented to the public .
20 This is expected to be particularly revealing as Mr Camber , a curator at the British Museum before he went to work for Sotheby 's , heard about the hoard from an ex-colleague and became involved in negotiations over it in Switzerland some time before Lord Northampton , presenting himself as the single owner of the treasure , first approached Sotheby 's in 1988 with a view to selling .
21 I have no hesitation whatsoever in presenting Christian Timms to you as the new lord of Swinbrook Manor , and owner of the Fettiplace lands . ’
22 He is regarded as one of the foremost poets of science , and you as the first novelist of science . ’
23 A new grouping , the Boere Weerstandsbeweging ( BWB — a splinter group of the AWB formed on June 11 and describing itself as the armed wing of the BP ) , pledged solidarity with the BP in its aim of re-establishing former Boer republics .
24 In the 1930s , Mr Justice Stone declared that the United States Supreme Court ought not to see itself as the sole guardian of the constitution .
25 The Ego is an expert at being defensive , at rationalising and justifying its own behaviour , at seeing itself as the hapless victim of a cruel , harsh world .
26 But they left largely unchallenged the Bolshevik view of October 1917 itself as the greatest achievement of the world revolutionary movement .
27 At its 19th congress on Oct. 23-27 the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions ( AUCCTU ) reconstituted itself as the General Confederation of USSR Trade Unions .
28 These moves will also mean that the probation service has to stop seeing itself as the exclusive provider of services and facilities : it is suggested that other voluntary or private sectors may make better provision .
29 BODO 'S EPIC misinterpretation of my failure at Lani 's established itself as the authorized version of events .
30 Syria still likes to portray itself as the sworn enemy of the Israelis , but the Ba'ath Party officials who rule with an iron hand appear to have given up trying to stop their citizens tuning in to the ‘ Zionists ’ wavelength .
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