Example sentences of "[pron] make [art] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I made a tiny human skeleton with the bones of the dead fish and distributed a little ketchup about it to make it more realistic .
2 While visiting Berlin the composer Richard Strauss wrote to his father on 7 April 1892 ‘ In Berlin I made an engaging new acquaintance , the Scottish poet John Henry Mackay , a great anarchist and biographer of the Berlin philosopher Max Stirner . ’
3 Over the first course I made the usual polite inquiries about Sally 's new job and asked her what she had been up to for the last half-dozen years or so .
4 There was room to keep the boat on the shingle above high water mark , and at low tide there was a large expanse of firm sand which made an ideal bathing spot .
5 It was not any supposed inherently violent trait in the Spanish character , but this element of desperation which made the Spanish Civil War the brutally barbaric conflict it was .
6 In the eighteenth century British consumption , rising steadily at a bit over 2 per cent a year , was more buoyant than the re-export trade , which made the British preferential tariff more advantageous to the planters .
7 For most of the time the estuary is a huge sand spit here which make an ideal feeding ground for estuary birds — look out for oystercatchers and herons .
8 It took Quiss longer than he had expected to get to the castle kitchens ; they 'd changed some of the corridors and stairways en route from the games room to the lower levels , and Quiss , taking what he thought was the usual way , had found himself making an unexpected left turn and coming to a windy , deserted , echoing chamber which looked out over the white landscape to the tall wooden towers of the slate mines .
9 Greenblatt records the episode about Stanley in a longish extract from Stanley 's own published writing which makes a great rhetorical play on Stanley 's regret at burning Shakespeare .
10 Is there an ideal mix ? ii Does the degree of dementia matter , or is it the presence of behaviour problems which makes a particular dementing person unacceptable to an integrated service ? iii What efforts can be made to overcome the problems of integration and avoid " segregation by stealth " ?
11 It is this which makes a patterned woven carpet something special , a point not always understood by the customer .
12 Wengen is also home to Europe 's highest railway which makes an ideal half-day trip in itself .
13 In addition , as we saw in Chapter III , it concerns the kind of factor which makes the relevant counterfactual claims true .
14 Corporate Jets , the former British Aerospace subsidiary which makes the best-selling 125 business jet , has been sold to American company Raytheon for £250m .
15 Corporate Jets , the British Aerospace subsidiary which makes the best-selling 125 business jet , recently was sold to the US company Raytheon for £250m .
16 But pollution causes a production externality which makes the marginal social cost MSC exceed the marginal private cost .
17 ‘ Come on , Raff , ’ she told the ginger kitten , ‘ it 's just you and me now your brothers have found good homes , and you make a good hot-water bottle . ’
18 If you use the covenant form attached to this leaflet you can make each annual payment at any time , or by any instalments , you wish as long as you make the full annual payment by the end of each 12-month period .
19 Some funds have now been diverted to further education , so you get £20 as an encouragement if you make the local sixth form .
20 then , her lips pressed tight , she made a small laughing sound before saying , ‘ Not your type ? ’
21 She made a little mock inclination .
22 She made a sensational 35-yard run , then went round the keeper to ram in the equaliser .
23 Reading a dark and devilish intent in his grim expression , she made a sudden frantic attempt to twist free from his grasp ; but she was too late .
24 She made a brief mental count of the crockery .
25 For a second she gazed at them , perplexed , then realisation dawned and she made a single vain lunge forward .
26 After a decent pause , she made the very English enquiry :
27 Can you make the very brief leaflet , the one we 've just talked about ,
28 Moreover , the Nonjurors included some of the best scholars of the day , skilful and productive polemicists who made a powerful intellectual impact : well over one hundred political pamphlets are attributable to them .
29 Pallister , who made a then British record £2.3m move from Teesside to Old Trafford , was at Ayresome Park for Boro 's thrilling quarter-final replay win over Peterborough United on Wednesday night .
30 THE hopes of a little girl who made a desperate nationwide plea for a heart-lung donor to save her mother have been dashed .
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