Example sentences of "[pron] can [be] [verb] to a " in BNC.

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1 West-Burnham in chapter 6 outlines an analysis which can be applied to a wide range of situations from the individual project to a whole school programme .
2 The boolean functions which can be applied to a single bit position can then be extended to what are called logical operations on the whole word .
3 1 A body of systematic and generalized knowledge which can be applied to a variety of problems .
4 The fact that the rational expectations hypothesis is a free-standing set of criteria which can be applied to a wide variety of macroeconomic models was rarely grasped by early Keynesian critics .
5 The combination of the Rasakumbha , which can be likened to a battery , the metal disc on which the yantras are inscribed , or the gems along the spine acting as chakras or energy absorption and distribution points , the sound vibrations of the mantras or bells , results in an emission of electrical energy from the head of the idol .
6 Rupert Sheldrake , a Cambridge biochemist and author of A New Science of Life and The Presence of the Past , formulated his theory of morphogenetic fields which can be likened to a blueprint for determining biological processes and creating forms .
7 It consists of a strong moulded plastic housing , which can be clamped to a board or bench , using the slots provided .
8 Usually , this is mounted on a block of wood , which can be fixed to a bench or held between the knees .
9 Working within an embassy office or the regional office of a multilateral bank it is not difficult for donors ' staff to come up with a list of potential projects which can be presented to a recipient country 's ministry of finance for discussion .
10 One example is the third-century kiln at Godmanchester , which can be related to a building in Pinfold Lane , while a clay-floored structure at Hacheston was interestingly associated with both a third-century kiln producing grey wares and an iron-smithing furnace .
11 Occasionally sacks can be obtained with a ‘ zip-off ’ front pocket which can be converted to a day sack , although these are mostly to be found on convertible sacks used as travel luggage .
12 PRUDENTIAL has launched a new range of flexible pensions products which can be converted to a free-standing additional voluntary contribution and vice versa , and allow contribution levels to be reduced or even suspended altogether for up to five years .
13 There is no limit to the number of different problems which can be taken to a solicitor under the scheme .
14 Whatever theoretical ideas inform the research will have to be translated into questions , or statements , which can be administered to a relevant respondent .
15 Any substance , which can be cooled to a sufficient degree below its melting temperature without crystallizing , will form a glass .
16 Pipetting aids for capillary pipettes provide suitable holders for the micropipettes which can be attached to a conventional mouth piece .
17 When , and only when , the paper and the paint have completely dried , I emphasise the highlights by rubbing over them gently with a typewriter eraser , the variety which can be sharpened to a point to increase accuracy .
18 When , and only when , the paper and the paint have completely dried , I emphasise the highlights by rubbing over them gently with a typewriter eraser , the variety which can be sharpened to a point to increase accuracy .
19 Morton , in collaboration with others , has argued , from 1966 to the present time , that in the Pauline corpus only Romans , 1 and 2 Corinthians , and Galatians form a homogeneous group which can be attributed to a single hand .
20 Up to 30 farms are being sought initially before scientists choose one which can be subjected to a systematic research programme in which partridges will be fitted with electronic tracking devices .
21 Words are used to inflect if they can be assigned to a number of grammatical classes , and the members of all these classes are distinguished from each other by their morphology ( internal shape ) and by their syntax ( the rules of their use ) .
22 For they are presented as holding between structures , or between a structure and the class struggle , and it is so far only an article of faith to suppose that they can be refined to a point where one can identify a specific connection such as that between an aspect of the peasant class and a particular form of capitalist state .
23 To a large extent the crops grown vary with altitude — they can be grown to a higher altitude on the warmer , less exposed south side .
24 Thus , any shares offered for sale must first be offered to other shareholders before they can be transferred to a third party .
25 Ideally individual children should be able to move through the program at their own speed , and if a page is not understood they can be moved to a subroutine that explains and reinforces the point of difficulty , then tests their understanding before they return to the main program .
26 They are normally sheathed but when hunting they can be extended to a length of 2½ in ( 6 cm ) .
27 The argument is that funds should not be diverted to the government sector if they can be put to a more productive use in the private sector .
28 It can be applied to a range of activities which may vary in cost and scale and necessitate planning over differing time spans .
29 It can be converted to a useful equivalent form by making the replacement where m is the rest mass of the test body .
30 It can be kept to a minimum by proper safety guidelines , of which there seem to be plenty .
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