Example sentences of "[pron] would have [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 The counter-girl told me I 'd have to wait for the manager .
2 Personally , I would have voted for the lads at Cain 's Brewery but Twitters may have got the jitters if the revamped Higson 's had made the headlines .
3 I 'll admit I felt just like you do when I first saw Townshend doing his smashing act ; I would have died for the SG he splintered at Woodstock !
4 To imagine an activity in isolation presumably means imagining , so to speak , the minimum bit of reality which would have to exist for the activity to go on .
5 She looked on it , without telling him , as a way of exercising her voice , practising her breathing as she would have done for the stage .
6 As to Wayne Proctor , there were those who would have gone for the former Welsh hurdler , Nigel Walker , though , heaven knows , Proctor , the fastest player in the side , was himself no mean athlete in his schooldays .
7 Following their defeat at the Wiltshire election of 1713 , the Whig candidates petitioned the House of Commons , complaining that the under-sheriff , in collusion with the two Tory candidates , had delayed opening the poll until the afternoon , " when many freeholders , who would have voted for the petitioners , were necessitated , by reason of the harvest , to go away without voting " , and also that he had " refused those who voted for the petitioners , and had a right ; and polled others amongst them , who had no right " .
8 A lump sum widow 's payment of £1,000 will be paid if you would have qualified for the widow 's allowance .
9 How you would have hated this , Gabriel , how you would have hungered for the sea and the sky , the hurly-burly and the heave-ho , the teamwork and the solitude , the unpredictability , the freedom , the danger of the waves .
10 So what you would have had for the whole of ninety two and the whole of ninety three will all come in , will all come in the second half of ninety three .
11 We 'd have to wait for the next one then .
12 ‘ We could have the name on their jerseys — but we 'd have to pay for the strip ! ’
13 If they had been advised as to the necessity for clear offers in writing with terms set out from the bank , their case is that they would have taken that advice , they would have waited for the bank offer and if and when it had not been suitable for them they would not have exchanged and their case is also that er once things had gone er very badly wrong and they wanted to get out of the contract if they had been advised as to the way out er then er they would have been er of that , they would have served notice and they would have got out of the contract .
14 And it is to the trade union that they would have to account for the exercise of that authority .
15 Violence was a daily part of their lives , and the men paid Trent 's leash as little attention as they would have spared for the commonplace of a bleeding corpse sprawled in the gutter back home .
16 They would have to compete for the reduced number of jobs .
17 It is not disputed by any member of the European Community that if that part of the directive were to be implemented everybody would have to pay for the associated benefits .
18 He 'd have gone for the Toraja " star funeral " , too , if we only knew when it was happening .
19 Not too late , Chris Court said , as he would have to listen for the Division bell and might have to run for it .
20 He would have to pay for the policing of that out of this year 's money .
21 They asked Meehan , who was in a neighbour 's room , about a gas meter and a broken window and Mohammed Mansha told him he would have to pay for the damage .
22 None of it would have done for the Grail Castle and the gentle remote creature to whose bed Grainne was going .
23 But for the titles of the books on the shelves , however , Harry felt it would have served for the conduct of almost any other business than that of healing troubled minds .
24 Frightening a woman by looking into her bedsit at eleven at night causing her to fear violence was held to be immediate despite the fact that the victim could have escaped in the time it would have taken for the accused to get to her : Smith v Chief Superintendent , Woking Police Station ( 1983 ) 76 Cr App R 234 ( DC ) .
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