Example sentences of "[pron] would [verb] i [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She uttered something loud and incomprehensible in Dutch and told me she 'd meet me at the coffee shop later .
2 Be very specific in spelling out desired actions , avoid being vague ( not ‘ I wish she 'd be more helpful ’ but ‘ I wish she 'd help me with the weekend shopping ’ ) .
3 ‘ You must think I was taking a lot for granted , sorting all this out before — well , before I even knew you 'd let me on the island , let alone still want me . ’
4 Oi asked Miki from Lush if she would tell me about the birds and the bees but instead she twatted me with a flange pedal .
5 On my last full day in her house , Mrs Knelle declared that she would drive me through the mountains of Joyce 's Country to the edge of Connemara .
6 So I would congratulate her on her good prospects as a statesman , or she would warn me of the dangers of dancing all night ; but if the stars looked town they would be no more likely to see her on a rostrum than me on a dance-floor .
7 As for killing Havvie , I did not think that she would thank me for the scandal , ’ he finished simply .
8 Undeterred by an evasive reply , he told me he could even provide a reliable guide who would conduct me across the border .
9 If you would pardon me on the sheet , it 's a shame Mr 's not here , because that was his decision , because of the imposed cut in stationery from last year , we ran out of it
10 If you would take me to the station , passing the florist on the way , it would be very helpful . ’
11 Then , recovering her poise , she said , ‘ Perhaps you would direct me to the Ladies . ’
12 ‘ To look at me , no one would take me for the Miracle-Worker , ’ Gabriel persisted , and he grinned and rubbed his short head of hair which had barely grown long enough for a single curl .
13 If the authorities read that they 'd put me on the next bus to [ name of border area ] and keep me there .
14 They would ask me for the pass I did n't have , then they would want to know what I was doing there .
15 When I left school at 14 , I was beginning to feel strange urges within me — an awakening of manhood , a desire to assert myself as an adult , a different feeling towards girls , especially when they would touch me on the body .
16 They would repay me for the dowry I wasted on you , but I have no wish to be reminded of you .
17 He 'd send me to the dispensary at the workhouse . ’
18 When we were naughty he 'd give Fred the strap but he 'd sit me on the mantelpiece to make me mind my manners .
19 ‘ Your need 's greater than mine , ’ and then he 'd tell me about the new necklace he 'd bought for his missus .
20 ‘ I wonder if he 'd run me to the shop , ’ said Betty .
21 He would instruct me in the history of the world while the people of the world walked by , ignoring the salvation we offered them , and the icy wind blew around our ankles .
22 He would meet me off the last train … .
23 I thought he would slide me into the strait-jacket right away .
24 That really turned my stomach , even if , I mean I remember when I was carrying , when I was carrying the twins , and he used to go out huge things you know , and so much so that if he came home in the night , right , and I was already in bed asleep , I would be able to er , he would wake me in the bedroom cos I could smell smoke on him , but he did n't smoke , but where he 'd been the pub or a night club , I smelt
25 He said he would leave me on the wing as long as me and my girlfriend did n't twos-up with each other [ visit one another 's cells during the association period ] .
26 I was his assistant and when he wanted flowers he would send me to the Old Covent Garden at 4.30am to buy hundreds of pots of chrysanthemums which would then be sold off at the end of the day , thus serving a dual purpose as decoration and a means of recouping some of our costs .
27 ‘ If he were tired , ’ said Miss Fielding , ‘ he would put me in the driving seat — except that my part was n't written for that to happen .
28 He did understand , and told me to stay close to him and he would take me to the YWCA .
29 When the time came , I knew he would take me to the asteroids , and we could serve the community together .
30 The Monster continues to scream as if it would blast me from the cosmos .
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