Example sentences of "[pron] will be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ROLF VOSS of Yalbury Cottage Hotel is not amused when I refuse to book in via credit card — ‘ I 'll be paying by cash . ’
2 I will be rejected by others
3 And I will be contacted by Clive
4 The workshop , which will be supported by WACC , aims to help establish a network of Christian broadcasters in Eastern and Central Europe and to contribute to the renewal of Christian life and faith in the region .
5 The title of the seminar , which will be supported by WACC , is ‘ Communication for Human Rights and Social Transformation ’ .
6 The title of the seminar , which will be supported by WACC , is ‘ Communication for Human Rights and Social Transformation ’ .
7 The important thing to remember is that NVQs are for the individual , are broadly based and non-specific , in five levels , and once accredited the individual , from school leaver upwards , builds up a personal record of achievement which will be recognised by employers across the country .
8 Even apparently descriptive language involves selection –f what are the significant features to describe , which will be affected by theory .
9 ‘ And the British Government are planning the launch of a UK-wide award , which will be announced by Michael Heseltine 's Department .
10 Finally , Longman Asia is to have a business development director , a new post which will be filled by Mark Anderson , currently heading up Longman UK 's training division .
11 Can I suggest that , rather than a draconian ban on book copying ( which will be ignored by Herbarium staff anyway ) , we try to replace this machine with one with a flexible lid to cut down on light ingress , as found in most libraries & universities ?
12 One senior representative of an existing cash & carry said that MAKRO will ‘ obviously pose a threat ’ , not only to that trade but also to supermarkets , which will be hit by trade being diverted into the MARKO ‘ discounting ’ — through holding one of the membership passports .
13 There is also the growing opposition to the war , which will be fuelled by casualties and by worsening domestic economic conditions .
14 This November should see some of the works in the new galleries , from the ‘ Primitives ’ to Poussin , transferred to a suite of twenty rooms on the second floor of the Richelieu wing , which will be reached by escalators and lifts bringing visitors to the galleries of French paintings directly from the Pyramid .
15 Since the mask is patterned , it will contain features which will be detected by feature detectors .
16 It will be enhanced with county funding which will be met by capital funding .
17 Investors in People is a standard designed by business , which will be met by business , because it is in the interests of business .
18 Abroad , however , Norway 's 16,000 fishermen have a predatory reputation which will be enhanced by Norway 's decision this week to resume commercial whaling in defiance of the international ban on it .
19 The next day , the majority of those approached — Galerie Mikaeloff , Paris ; Luca Baroni himself ; Munich collector Wolfgang Ratjen ; Yvonne Tan Bunzl ; Katrin Bellinger ; Flavia Ormond ; Arturo Cuellar ; and Kate de Rothschild — pledged £10,000 between them , which will be matched by Christie 's .
20 The Department of Environment will give £2.75m towards the scheme , which will be matched by Chester City Council .
21 They are centred around a flower festival at St John 's from today until Sunday and include two organ recitals by Dr Donald Davison and an exhibition on the history of Malone parish , which will be presented by parishioner Dr Paul Larmour , the writer Take it from me , nobody knows more about the past of that part of Belfast than Paul .
22 Wimbledon estimates that this new service , which will be on air for up to 14 hours for each day of The Championships and which will be presented by commentators such as Andrew Castle , Paul Hutchins and Warren Jacques , will have a potential audience of up to 450,000 .
23 Hospices around Britain are to be featured on this Sunday 's Songs of Praise which will be presented by newsreader Martyn Lewis .
24 Bids for the channel , which will be funded by advertising and possibly subscription , must include proposals for national and international news , current affairs , children 's and religious programmes .
25 The Gala Preview , which will be attended by HRH The Princess Royal , President of Save the Children , takes place on the evening before the public opening of the show when the exhibits are at their best .
26 Alternatively , fix with masonry nails direct to the wall , nailing through the back section of the frame , which will be covered by panels .
27 To avoid this I propose to place a layer of mortar on the lining and lay bricks on top which will be covered by slabs .
28 Other works to be performed in the concert include the first performance of Martin Read 's soprano saxophone piece The Numbers Game , which will be performed by Alex Forsyth — the college saxophone teacher .
29 C1 to C5 will be tested by college devised assessment schemes which will be moderated by HCIMA .
30 He has also published a leaflet of quotes which will be delivered by BNP canvassers .
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