Example sentences of "[pron] will [verb] for [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 I 'll knock for you at eight for dinner .
2 I 'll ask for you at the bar , ’ Maxim said .
3 ‘ Go and dump your shopping quickly and I 'll wait for you at the first bridge , ’ he suggested , indicating the expanse of parkland their building overlooked .
4 If you 'd like to come , I 'll call for you at 6pm .
5 I 'll call for you at eight-thirty p.m .
6 I 'll call for you at eight-thirty if you promise to leave the briefcase at home .
7 ‘ Well , give me the name of your hotel , then , and I 'll call for you at , say , seven .
8 He opened it and said over his shoulder , ‘ I 'll call for you at seven-thirty .
9 When , a few minutes later , she stopped the car and said , ‘ I 'll call for you at seven .
10 ‘ I do n't think you will care for it at the Rectory , ’ Aunt Emily said .
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