Example sentences of "[pron] will [verb] in the next " in BNC.

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1 You start , you play this game , I 'll join in the next game , okay ?
2 I tell you what , I 'll run in the next London Marathon , then I 'll have to keep fit . ’
3 A great deal of ink has been spilled over the nature of indirect duties , to which I will return in the next section .
4 It is always possible to be kinder to the earth , but it is not saving clumps of trees from the bulldozers which will matter in the next century .
5 But it is extremely difficult to predict the developments in market demands and production techniques which will occur in the next 25 years and which might contribute to determining the size of each of these industries .
6 These experiences will lay the foundation for the more formal learning which will develop in the next stage of their school career .
7 There is the blood factor , too , which can also provide a major benefit , as you will learn in the next chapter .
8 Even Robert Bakker , a paleontologist now at Colorado University and one of the most original and interesting of dinosaur academics , has not , I suggest , given the subject of dinosaur size as much attention as it deserves , and consequently many of his arguments concerning metabolism , which we will examine in the next chapter , remain fatally flawed .
9 ‘ How can they not understand that to do a real Kitezh or a real Ruslan — as we will do in the next year or so , it 's planned — is much more honourable , much more pleasurable artistically and much more important to the artistic world that a middleclass performance of , let's say , Rigoletto , in a small opera-house in Germany or Italy ?
10 As we will explain in the next section , the results of priming experiments like these mean that any model of the visual word-recognition system must incorporate a level of abstract letter recognition .
11 Lastly it is most important of all that teachers apply the process of clarification to their own values and their own vision of education , and it is to this issue that we will turn in the next chapter .
12 As the nursing profession waits to hear how it will do in the next pay round , there are fears that job evaluation could be used to take significant numbers of nurses out of current pay and grading structures , creating new pay set-ups unique to each different trust or unit .
13 Though what will happen in the next century up to 2025 , as table 5.4 suggests , we can only calculate with a large margin of error .
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