Example sentences of "[pron] can only [be] [vb pp] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The answer is ‘ yes ’ : a recent article , drawing on Eusebius ' Life of Constantine , seems to show without doubt that it was Constantine who introduced this law : Eusebius describes measures implemented by Constantine which can only be understood as referring to this law .
2 During 1987 blitzes by the HSE of over 1,000 prohibition notices , which can only be served where there is a risk of ‘ serious personal injury ’ were issued , but led to only 25 prosecutions .
3 There is clearly an element of circularity in the argument in that it presumes that the subject-matter is properly before the tribunal , a presumption which can only be made if subject-matter is defined purely in terms of furnished tenancy itself .
4 The bare infinitive in exclamations evokes therefore an incidence of the infinitive 's event to its support which can only be represented as potential since the speaker feels it has little or no chance of being real , of finding a place in real time .
5 She considers marriage to be a gamble for any woman , a gamble which can only be justified where the woman examines the character and prospects of the man she is to marry .
6 But it may also be an uneasy truce , which can only be sustained as long as certain questions are not asked .
7 Spontaneous speech consists of sequences , not just single sentences , and there are some properties of spontaneous speech which can only be appreciated when one examines language production above the sentence level ; hence this is the topic we next discuss .
8 Devereux considers that , at root , there is a substratum which can only be described as consciousness , that this is a field effect and that the brain simply processes the consciousness in a similar way to that in which a television set processes a transmitted signal .
9 From this stage I proceeded to a more general sense of superiority , which can only be described as moral .
10 He had piss-holes as eyes , foul breath , decaying teeth and an attitude towards Mandeville which can only be described as servile .
11 You can only be hurt if you do — and you will surely hurt her .
12 Today , rambutans ( Nephelium lappaceum , Sapindaceae ) are distributed this way , growing up around deserted encampments of forest people in the Malay Peninsula , and several other fruits gathered there can only be swallowed as the flesh is either difficult to remove or the seeds are too fiddly to extract ( as in blackberries , blackcurrants and tomatoes in modern society sewage farms raise good tomato plants ) : for example the mata-kuching ( Dimocarpus longan ) and the rambai ( Baccaurea motleyana , Euphorbiaceae ) .
13 The position is that when we admit anyone to nursing home care , they can only be admitted if there is a joint assessment partly by a social worker from this department , partly by either the nurse or G P , or consultant , and the , the key element needless to say in that , in terms of need , is very much the health authority input .
14 But their limitation has been that they can only be used when all the well data is available — after it has been drilled .
15 It can only be activated when a false statement actually damages a reputation .
16 It can only be met if zonal governments connect through all-planetary councils .
17 One problem with the above test of a set of restrictions is that , strictly , it can only be applied when the model is linear and the restrictions themselves are linear .
18 It is like expert power in that it can only be exercised if others recognise and accept it .
19 It felt like it in the GLX , with what can only be described as feeble front-end grip , resulting in premature and excessive understeer .
20 In parallel to what can only be described as ‘ photo-painting ’ , Bowran has been developing a means of recreating the effect of a charcoal drawing with a printer colleague .
21 Looking back over this year 's first round matches , obviously Germany 's defeat in Rio by Brazil , amid what can only be described as typical South American frenzy and excitement , was the biggest shock and one which might even lead to repercussions not only by the ITF about crowd behaviour in some parts of the world but also from within the disgruntled German camp .
22 One of the companies involved in what can only be described as the latest round of unity talks that Unix International seems to be sponsoring ( UX No 423 , 424 ) says that for all the fear , uncertainty and doubt unleashed by Microsoft Corp , the project still lacks the compulsion that galvanized the industry to form the Open Software Foundation five years ago .
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