Example sentences of "[pron] which have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Further , representatives of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board have had access to a large quantity of files in [ that state ] and copies of certain of them which have been returned to London , and among these files is documentation concerning the affairs of your clients .
2 Some continued to make a stance and in 1982 I worked with a sergeant who lovingly took out his old city cap each nightshift and wore it as a symbol of everything which had been lost in 1969 , when , as the station graffiti had then affirmed , ‘ T.J.F. ’ and a fall from Eden had occurred .
3 In support of the proprietary argument the plaintiffs resorted to an analogy with the position of a trustee in bankruptcy , whose right and duty it was to get in everything which had been owned by the bankrupt , including his business documents .
4 One example was at London Zoo when a polar bear called Brumas died at the age of nine because he ate something which had been thrown into his enclosure .
5 This seems to me to illustrate what I would call the ‘ Breakthrough Phenomenon ’ : the sudden discovery that something which has been assumed to be out of the question is not out of the question at all .
6 Archaeologists are beginning to realize this and are looking at alternative approaches , seeing sites as part of the landscape and related to one another , something which has been advocated by students of leys and Earth Mysteries for many years .
7 ‘ It is a shame that we are being penalised for something which has been done by the football club , but there does not seem to be anything we can do about it .
8 Gloucester does not feature at all , something which has been read as a sign of Woodville control of the council .
9 Gloucester does not feature at all , something which has been read as a sign of Woodville control of the council .
10 A similar bitterness underlines Hopkin 's words to the syndicate : ‘ You wanted to play with something which has been attempted with the most desperate suicidal intent of others . ’
11 This is something which has been drawn to my attention on many occasions and would she not agree that there are many of us who very much regret the fact that so many parents er are find it difficult to exercise their right to vote , because there is so much opposition er at a local level from officials
12 The measure of life events used was one which had been developed by Brown over a number of years and represents a major methodological improvement over previous approaches .
13 Usually on a Friday afternoon I would retreat from the busy main office to my own private one which had been constructed in one corner of the large open room .
14 I 'd have to buy an electric boiler to replace the gas one which had been leaking for a week now .
15 The feature usually described as predominant in Gothic buildings is the use of the pointed arch in place of the semi-circular one which had been employed in both Roman and Romanesque structures .
16 3 ) , similar to one which had been advanced before the High Court of Australia in Jago v. District Court of New South Wales ( 1989 ) 168 C.L.R. 23 .
17 Reference has already been made to this and it has been emphasised that the requirement of a nominal monetary value is an arbitrary and illogical one which has been rejected in certain other common law jurisdictions .
18 It is reputed not to be a natural species , but one which has been created by Chinese fishbreeders .
19 One which has been dyed on the surface after the weaving has been completed .
20 If it seems odd to devote a chapter to one book , however important and significant , it must be appreciated that numerically it is by far the most commonly found book and one which has been published over such a long period that the collector will see it more frequently than any other .
21 It changes the taste of food to the extent that some dishes no longer appear to have any connection with their oil-less counterparts : a fresh sardine , for example , is quite different from one which has been transformed by being preserved in oil ( a point implied by the existence in the Czech language of two quite different words for the fresh and the oil varieties : a sardine in oil is called olejovka , from olej=oil ) .
22 Mr Wood has helped to nurse back to health badgers injured on the road or found orphaned but he has never come across one which has been used for baiting .
23 This medium is the one which has been used in many laboratory experiments on this plant .
24 The main reason that Marslen-Wilson and Tyler give for rejecting the idea that context can operate before any sensory information is received is one which has been used by many other theorists , including Fodor ( 1983 ) .
25 The laminated ball is fractionally lighter than the leather one which has been used by the Scottish League under its contractual agreement with another firm , Mitre , for the last 14 years .
26 The smile may have come as a surprise to connoisseurs of the pictures of him which have been issued to the world .
27 So clear is this conclusion to my mind that , notwithstanding anything which has been said in other cases , I would be very slow to concede that the word ‘ appropriates ’ in section 1(1) is in its context ambiguous .
28 Although Tocqueville and Marx emphasized different features in the development of European and North American societies in the nineteenth century , they both recognized in some way the interplay of economic and political forces : Tocqueville by associating democracy with the values of an agricultural and commercial middle-class society , and by noting the possible implications of the incipient class divisions within manufacturing industry ; Marx by giving prominence to the political struggles of the working class as a movement to extend democracy , whether in his account ( in 1852 ) of the Chartist demand for universal suffrage as being , if realized , ‘ a far more socialist measure than anything which has been honoured with that name on the Continent ’ , or in his later analysis of the Paris Commune ( 1871 ) as a new form of democratic government , as ‘ the political form at last discovered under which to work out the emancipation of labour ’ .
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