Example sentences of "[pron] from [adj] [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Webb 's finest hour came in 1984 when , with Derby just days away from going out of business with debts of £1.5 million , he promoted himself from managing director to chairman .
2 Then why not listen to DC Talk ( the ‘ DC ’ stands for ‘ decent Christian ’ ) rapping about everything from divine providence to abortion ( ‘ Yo , children can live without it ’ ) .
3 Having written all of these clever , fresh and almost poetic sounding lyrics ; which are backed by everything from African percussions to Rock guitar , Toyah can be satisfied with having produced such an innovative album .
4 By the time I had heard it a fifth time , one of football 's most respected managers stood accused of everything from gross indecency to impotence .
5 Children can be the most cruel of all , and there has been everything from physical fights to slanging matches . ’
6 We used to have long discussions and arguments about everything from radio-controlled models to religion , and from parapsychology to physics .
7 As might be expected , most advertisements incorporated in books proclaim the publishers ' own wares-but with books issued in parts , such as those of Dickens , they can be a joyous medley covering everything from top hats to mouse traps , pills to perambulators and hair oils to phrenology .
8 THE ISLE OF Ely , transformed into a notorious offshore tax haven , nevertheless houses an unequalled variety of shops selling everything from local crafts to electronics and consumer goods , all duty free .
9 So it was something in my subconscious trying to push me from infantile dependency to maturation that brought it about that , in the dream , I could not find the inn again .
10 Pieces of abstract art do not suddenly change colour because we have moved them from artificial light to daylight .
11 Suppose , however , that we resisted Wittgenstein 's attempt to push us from weak-kneed scepticism to solipsism ; we find the relevant argument ( see 5.4 ) unconvincing , perhaps .
12 Poles control the massive stolen car market , Yugoslavs run prostitution and illegal gambling , Russians specialise in fencing ex-army weapons and protection , and Romanians deal in babies and children for anything from illegal adoption to child pornography .
13 According to her personality type , she can be expected to react on this first day with anything from brave smiles to tension and tears , but this will be quite normal .
14 Bournemouth is the next port of call : a well-established resort which is both elegant and friendly and where you can see anything from classical concerts to dinosaur reconstructions .
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