Example sentences of "[pron] she would [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was the duty of the medicine man of the line of Armijas to tutor the spirit warrior through the Seven Levels , to prepare her for the final battle , in which she would stand with the other spirit warriors — the Holy Woman From Across the Great Water , the Man With Music in His Heart , the Red-Handed One , the Yellowlegs Who Has Lost Much , the Great Father in White , the Man Who Rides Alone — against the army of the manitous and the story would end .
2 I 'd been expecting her to put up a stiff rearguard action , protesting that holidays were one thing and everyday life another , that she had only surrendered to me in a moment of weakness which she would regret for the rest of her life , and so on and so forth .
3 Sociable Dorothy , although only seventeen years old , managed to infuse some sort of order into Isobel 's shattered life , hoping that soon Isobel would decide what she would do in the future , so that she herself could go back home to Wales , which , from the vantage point of Tollemarche , seemed infinitely cosy and desirable .
4 As Creggan and Kraal continued to tell their dearest memories , night began to fall and Minch began to plan out what she would do in the limited time she felt she had left to her .
5 ‘ I 'm here to see Her Grace , ’ explained Joan , having rehearsed what she would say during the two-mile walk from Briar Cottage .
6 She decided to remain where she was until she could be sure of what she would find outside the closed front door .
7 What she 'd do to the unions , dole scroungers , the unemployed ?
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