Example sentences of "[pron] do [vb infin] that [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Well I do hope that people are that interested to want to take things anyway Dennis I mean , you know .
2 And I do think that sex is so private it 's almost impossible to write about .
3 There was a man , totally unconnected with the event I think , running away from a flaming van in Horseguards Parade erm and it was a wonderful picture opportunity for the world 's press to carry , but I do think that memories are short from this .
4 We should n't understate the effect , but I do think that memories are fairly short .
5 I do think that Brie is probably still unknown to you unless you have tried an unpasteurised variety .
6 But I do know that great-aunt was not exactly popular after the incident of the farm sale , and eventually John Bell left her so her brother , Great-Uncle William , came to work the farm .
7 No , perhaps that 's unfair ; I do not know precisely who , precisely when , precisely what ; though I do know that Gustave was never tired of double ententes about la pipe .
8 I do believe that girl 's beginning to grow up , ’ observed Brian , reaching for the jam as Camille left for the streets .
9 Ultimately I do believe that life is priceless and a great joy and that view is bound to seep through into my work .
10 Now , I 've seen both sides and I do believe that Blackburn are going to present the bigger problem .
11 However , this is clearly not what is going on in anorexia nervosa , although I do believe that emptiness is being used as a metaphor .
12 I do ask that plans are conceived and carried out , after due deliberation , in a practical manner to ensure the best value for the expenditure involved .
13 I was n't partisan politically but I did think that choice was important , whether it was which brand you chose or which person you decided to deride .
14 But I did know that Gyggle was the shrink for me the minute I saw him .
15 Frightened them , judged Alice , pleased this had been so , for she did feel that Jasper was sometimes a bit too casual about things .
16 Julia was not at all sure that she had followed all the details of the story , and did not believe everything she had been told , but she did accept that Raffaella was genuinely afraid .
17 The children are er going not having any money , she said well Ga , she did say that Gavin was alright but he had n't met anybody , had n't made er any friends yet .
18 Although the figures relate to 1991 , she did add that things are unlikely to have changed much this year .
19 But she did know that Michele was a Gemini , which made her patent enthusiasm seem peculiar to say the least …
20 A clause such as ‘ we do insist that appointments are on an exclusive basis to avoid duplications and a dispersed marketing effort ’ will help to avoid misunderstanding .
21 We do insist that appointments are on an exclusive basis to avoid duplications and a dispersed marketing effort .
22 And they do say that Flame is very like him . ’
23 But he does say that mind is nothing essentially different from body , and is , in fact , ‘ nothing but the motions in certain parts of an organic body ’ .
24 It does mean that law is not a fixed , precise and immutable set of rules ; and that not only its content but also its form are subject to interpretation , adaptation and change as part of and in response to social change .
25 Never mind if it does mean that lunch is ten minutes late .
26 But it does mean that cross-addiction is a factor that may possibly be of some influence in all of this and that it is a factor that may need to be taken into consideration in the long term in attempting to improve the over all quality of recovery .
27 However , it does mean that misconceptions are common .
28 It does show that people are interested in serving the railways and serving the customers . ’
29 But it does suggest that racism is too deeply embedded in the whole experience of growing up working class to be the sole responsibility of skins .
30 While this should not , of course , be taken to imply that female listeners lack intelligence , it does suggest that radio is not perhaps a suitable medium for putting across complex ideas or instructions .
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