Example sentences of "[pron] they have [vb pp] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There h have been cases where the person 's back muscles have pulled up so tight that their they 've formed an arch .
2 No they were , that 's what they were were n't it when it all happened , the old Revered somebody or other , they wilful murder but erm yeah basically it does n't seem like , there was no real evidence as to who erm fired first and there was no conclusion that the about that , but they were certainly I R A gunmen , para 's , its like without a doubt if you know some people , but like with those high powered weapons they may , alright its unfortunately that somebody may have got shot , but it may not of been the main shot , that may , may of been a ricochet or , or anything like that , both their they 've got a killing range of up to three mile so one mate come round , he says he 's gon na come round again tomorrow and have a look at it
3 Asking why , were told the Standard had written a story on ‘ a dominatrix club I 'm a member of ’ , in which they 'd described the Penthouse Pet as ‘ plump ’ .
4 Huge gangs of navvies , dealing with their new task in the same manner with which they had extended the railway lines the length and breadth of the land .
5 In Northern Nigeria , he succeeded in detaching the judicial system and the technical departments from the grip of the administrative service , whose claims to omnipotence and omnicompetence were thereby permanently reduced from the heights to which they had risen a decade before .
6 A family who lived there befriended us , looked after our bags and , solicitous of each other , we took turns on the one spare seat from which they had moved a child .
7 The National Audit Office Report on the FMI ( 1986 ) found , in practice , that departments differed in the extent to which they had adopted the FMI .
8 The financial rationale of the great companies had been the way in which they had enabled a generation of investors , most of whom were substantial , to become merchants by proxy .
9 A list had already been published ( on April 1 ) of the 22 worst " abusers " of the House bank , those who had run account deficits which exceeded their next month 's pay for 20 per cent of the months in which they had held an account at the bank .
10 A new CDU-FDP combination had been considered but the FDP seemed fickle and unreliable : October 1966 was not the first occasion of course on which they had left the Cabinet .
11 He did not wait for the servants to open the doors , but just pushed through into the entrance hall , and then into the great ballroom where a score of painters and upholsterers were finishing a long night 's work during which they had transformed the ballroom into a silk-hung fantasy .
12 The argument for the suppliants was concerned only with whether the mistake under which they had paid the duty was one of fact or of law .
13 When the archbishop of Canterbury came before the pope for his pallium , the canons of York entangled the Canterbury monks in questions about the precise state in which they had found the privileges — whether they had seals attached to them , and so on .
14 Winchelsey learnt of this bull in December 1296 and published it in the assembly of January 1297 , called to consider the royal demand made in November on which they had deferred a decision .
15 Lydia thought herself very slow not to have realised all this before , but then she reflected that the rapidity with which they had learned the circumstances of this secluded family was in itself strange .
16 Lewis then went on to record the months of companionship and collaboration , during which they had evolved the characters of the tough young microbe hunter Martin Arrowsmith and his boss Max Gottleb — who de Kruif modelled on Jacques Loeb and his own former chief , Frederick Novy .
17 He ventured to suggest that there was nothing in the manner in which they had brought the concern into its active and productive state of working , which ought to subject them to such new and vexatious problems .
18 The first that Winchester knew of the decision in regard to which they had had no opportunity to make any prior representations , was when the copy announced itself upon their fax machine on 31 October .
19 Some of the wealthier natives brought picnic hampers in the European manner , and their servants would unroll splendid carpets on the green sward ; while their banquets were spread out on the carpets they could watch what was going on through telescopes and opera-glasses which they had had the foresight to bring with them though what they saw , as they swept the ramparts of the Residency and banqueting hall can hardly have looked very impressive to them : just a few ragged , boil-covered skeletons crouching behind mud walls .
20 Warner Bros had once again profitably combined instruction and entertainment but as was so often the case it was the way in which they had used an actor that made the movie work in both respects .
21 That is why I particularly welcome the enthusiastic way in which they have embraced the patients charter and the accompanying document on internal management in the health service , ’ Framework for Action ’ .
22 The kitemark and logo of the ACRG signify that successful students have completed a planned programme of studies involving at least 500 study hours by which they have achieved a level of attainment appropriate for admission to higher education .
23 As for Unix , Morales said that Stratus has met similar problems to other manufacturers — many customers are n't willing to alter systems in which they have invested a lot of money and personnel over the years .
24 In practice , people are very reluctant to give up a theory in which they have invested a lot of time and effort .
25 The result severely dents Widnes 's chance of qualifying for the Premiership , in which they have reached the final for the last three years , but could prove a turning point in Salford 's survival battle , provided they are a little more circumspect .
26 It also clinched their place in the European Clubs Championship , in which they have won the silver medal for the past four years .
27 The United Kingdom 's negotiators must alter the attitude with which they have approached the question of integration to date : considering as ‘ victories ’ what are at best delays in the advance of Federalism , and being willing , at the last , to go along with any formula of political union as an alternative to being ‘ relegated ’ to an ‘ outer tier ’ of the EEC .
28 ‘ The first time your children tell you they 've heard the story , remember , I warned you , ’ He drained his mug , dropping it over his shoulder into the water slushing around in the galley : ‘ Nothing like a hurricane for washing dishes . ’
29 Mind you they have done a bit more to it since Wiggie 's been there in as much as she 's had a big curtain put across
30 Well in one they 've got a roof over their head and in the other they have n't , I would 've thought that was a rather major difference .
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