Example sentences of "[pron] do n't want [verb] back " in BNC.

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1 The main thing is I do n't want to go back into the private sector unless I absolutely have to .
2 I do n't want to go back to Mrs Gutermann 's .
3 I do n't want to go back to the north .
4 I do n't want to go back to the Evans 's , I really do n't , I never did want to be there but it 's worse now , not better .
5 I do n't want to go back to the house yet , a bit , not yet . "
6 " I do n't want to go back home ! "
7 I do n't want to go back at all .
8 ‘ It does n't matter ; I do n't want to go back yet . ’
9 I 'll think what I can do about that ; I do n't want to go back to Security or through Six … when you come down to it how do we know some of the Old Guard in those places are n't involved in this bloody attempt to run the country from the shadows ?
10 I do n't want to go back to that . ’
11 has been taken into account or not and we , w we would probably end up giving you a different answer but erm I mean w we I do n't want to go back to that I , I 'll leave that , I 'll leave that , I 'll
12 I do n't want to go back to bed ! ’
13 I do n't want to go back there .
14 ‘ I 've played in the Third Division with Walsall and I do n't want to go back to it . ’
15 I do n't want to go back to fight in the war , ’ said Laslzo , 21 , from Becej , as he waved his mother goodbye .
16 Well yeah , but it 's a it 's I do n't want to go back out I mean .
17 Forgive me I do n't want to go back that far , but , but let me just put the point you 've made to Professor Hoskins .
18 Well , I 'll be settled in , in my own little place by then , I mean I do n't want to move back here , plus that fact that I , I would n't want to move back here anyway .
19 Well I do n't mind going by train but I do n't want to come back by train
20 I do n't want to get back here and find you 've legged it .
21 I did n't want to go back under controlled circumstances , ’ he explained , ‘ I wanted to get on .
22 I could have returned to Ipswich but I did n't want to go back like a beggar .
23 and then we carried straight on again but I wanted to get it done today , I did n't want to go back again weekend they want to get the carpets down inside and they 've got all the carpets there in the house , I mean it 's twenty eight foot long , twelve foot wide so erm we got the carpets in down and we 've got it in the house and it 's too big
24 I did n't want to get back inside , not any more .
25 I did n't want to come back .
26 I did n't want to come back to Stapleford , so I st because they were very offended because I left .
27 I did n't want to come back here .
28 Oh I did n't want to come back .
29 I did n't want to come back .
30 Course it worried Ange look cos she do n't want to go back in the office like last time .
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