Example sentences of "[pron] i [verb] always [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Frequently a Georgian house which I had always seen from the road and considered to be all of one date , was revealed , when I came to knock on its door , to be purely a façade built on to a much earlier building .
2 So no bug-eyed monsters which I had always thought to be the cheapest form of science fiction .
3 ‘ It 's all very exciting for me at the moment , here I am about to go around the world for the first time , seeing cities like New York , which I have always dreamed of seeing .
4 But you may think me merely biased if I say that my own father could in many ways be considered to rank with such men , and that his career is the one I have always scrutinized for a definition of ‘ dignity ’ .
5 The holiday was one I have always dreamed about and I would highly recommend the centre to any outdoor enthusiast .
6 What I 've always said about life itself .
7 it is what I 've always thought for a long time that somebody like Brian if he 's not if he 's not showing at our fish at our show , even as an A class judge , I , I fail to see why he ca n't judge at our show it 's , he goes to Skelm and , and judges there and our fish will be there or strange really when we 're struggling for judges that , that we do n't do these things .
8 That 's what I 've always thought in the past .
9 Hence the moulding of that most deplorable product the ‘ humble boy ’ and the strengthening of what I had always referred to as ‘ the civil service mentality ’ until I encountered Michael Manley 's much more telling phrase the ‘ psychology of dependence ’ .
10 It was good to see references at last to what I had always understood to be the correct meaning of hostage ( April 27th ) — that is , ‘ a person given to another as a pledge ’ ( Oxford dictionary ) .
11 I 'm surprised that such hedonistic , empty headed opinions should find a place in what I have always regarded as a serious , intelligent newspaper .
12 I know that I 'm being unfair to you and to Virginia , but what I feel for you — what I have always felt for you — has made a weakling of me . "
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