Example sentences of "[pron] have been [prep] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been on duty in the Met Office since 8am , and managed to comb my hair and put on some lipstick before going straight down to the dance with June , one of the other Met Waafs .
2 I had been with Jamie in the pub , then with him and the girl outside , then alone when I was running , and then with Jamie and later him and his mother , then I walked home almost sober .
3 Erm I 've been off work in excess of five years now er add my income has been very very small and whatever award I get will never go ahead and compensate me or my wife for what I 've been through .
4 Peter Holland Tyne Tees reporter : ‘ I 've been with TTTV in Middlesbrough for 18 years so my feelings are the merger should sort out the wasteful nonsense we 've had there doubling up on news stories . ’
5 I 've been to Cockermouth in a pony and trap ! "
6 " No good , Peter — I 've been in court in far too many fraud cases .
7 I have been to funerals in Baldersdale where bereaved people have shown supreme faith , being convinced that death is only a temporary thing and that they would meet up with their loved ones again .
8 I have been to Shetland in various capacities .
9 Since beginning this letter I have been with Nansen in the Samara district , where the conditions are even worse than in Saratov , in spite of the very good work done by the ARA in Samara and by the Friends in Bouzoulouk .
10 And Salford-born Phelan , who has signed a five-year deal , admitted : ‘ My family and I have been through hell in the past couple of weeks and signing for City is such a relief .
11 The proposed expansion of the zoning scheme , which has been on trial in three city-centre wards since 1990 , has already won the clear support of the police , residents ' groups and the hospitals , which have become increasingly concerned about late-night disturbances and violence .
12 This mower which has been on sale in Britain for the past 3 years is potentially deadly .
13 Geometry is a part of the mathematics syllabus which has been in decline in recent years .
14 This will replace the complex three-tier system which has been in use in recent years and involved graded brackets ranging from 12.5% on sales up to FFr15,000 down to 2.4% on those over FFr300,000 .
15 However , the Heilbron Report made no proposals to change the law on the issue which had been at stake in the Morgan case — that a man could escape a rape conviction if he thought that the woman was consenting whether she was or not .
16 The immediately following articles give the newly independent State the right to succeed to any treaty which had been in force in its territory , regardless of the wishes of any other party to the treaty .
17 The SNC agreed to contact the UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , requesting him to send personnel to control the ceasefire which had been in force in Cambodia since early May .
18 Instead , the presidential insignia and other symbols of government were handed over by the president of the anti-communist Polish government which had been in exile in London since 1939 , Ryszard Kaczorowski .
19 The offences were of varying degrees of gravity and the appellants have been given different release dates under the statutory provisions which have been under examination in these appeals .
20 Looking beyond the confines of the EC , Jon Lester , a member of the company 's eastern Europe group who has been on secondment in Berlin , Bratislava and Budapest , gave an informed overview of publishing in the region , touching on areas of opportunity , support for foreign trade , and possibilities for foreign investment .
21 She has been on holiday in Dorset ( with a friend who lives there ) , and in Shropshire and in Kent .
22 But if you 'd been in trial in America
23 Buzz remembered Nurse Evans , who 'd been with Nell in Ward C at La Chapelle ; after the war , Evans had worked in one of those rich bins before she 'd married a Lutheran minister and gone to live in Scotland .
24 But she simply ignored him as she always had and began to practise with the yellow-haired vibrancer who 'd been with Jeopardy in Mandru 's salon on the morning Lucien had met the master .
25 Had a nice letter from one of the Romanian boys you met very concerned about my job position — he had heard from one of the others who 'd been in London in the summer and saw
26 She had been like clay in the hands of a master craftsman , and the most unpalatable knowledge was that she had n't had the strength to resist that breathtaking attraction .
27 In Cairo , Stirling had recruited Bob Melot , a Belgian who had been in business in Egypt before the war .
28 People who have been in prison in Zaire , Somalia and many other places find it hard , after the long , arduous and frightening experience of travelling abroad to seek asylum , to talk instantly about everything that happened .
29 And travelling is n't a problem — she 's been to conventions in America and on holiday to Denmark , France , Germany and Holland .
30 A cyclist who 's been in prison in Nepal for over a month could be freed later this week .
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