Example sentences of "[pron] have hold [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well , yes , it can be that easy if you are only moving fairly slowly , but bear in mind that to stop in a reasonable distance you have to hold on the control long enough to raise the nose and apply a braking force .
2 Each one has held to the view that the Common Market was flawed from its inception , that its membership was not in Britain 's interest , that with respect to trade , immigration policy , defence and foreign policy , her true interests were best upheld as an independent nation trading on the high seas .
3 The National Democratic Party ( NDP ) , a DLP splinter group formed in February 1989 by former Finance Minister Richie Haynes , failed to retain any of the four seats which it had held at the dissolution .
4 In the event the opposition 's share of the seats increased from 37 to 53 , but Semangat " 46 won only eight seats , compared with the 12 it had held before the election .
5 erm on the question of the board all is answerable to the general meeting of the er company it 's held in the Autumn of each year .
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