Example sentences of "[pron] have [vb pp] for [art] first " in BNC.

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1 I 'd flown for the first time , out to Malta in an old , rattling York aircraft , and then on to the Canal one .
2 A wife I 'd met for the first time filled up
3 I had trained for the first time only four days before !
4 I had felt for the first time a gnawing loneliness , finding echoes of familiar landscapes in the sweep of a glen , the gentle bend of a river .
5 That I 've done for the first time in my life something original .
6 no , no , my Lord I have raised for the first time the board minute
7 One society which has featured for the first time in this year 's results is the Standard building society .
8 It was an astonishing thing for a wife to say about her husband to a woman she 'd met for the first time .
9 And more particularly in Appendix Three , you 've got for the first time , individual chief officers and general managers comments , for achieving a better equal opportunity profile in their department or unit .
10 That evening , as her mother had stood at the kitchen door with the shadow of future old age lurking behind her , she had felt for the first time what it was to be a grown-up , what it was that she was missing in the never-never land of Fenna 's spell .
11 During the headmistress 's speech she had realized for the first time how little she knew of the world that lay beyond the school gates .
12 then joined as third , fourth and fifth defendants certain solicitors who had acted for the first two defendants and who , it was alleged , had been knowingly concerned , within the meaning of sections 6(2) and 61(1) of the Act of 1986 , with the first two defendants ' breaches of sections 3 , 47 , 56 and 57 of that Act .
13 Figures we 've obtained for the first three months of this year show astonishing variations in cautioning rates across Kent .
14 What we 've got for the first time I suspect , since any of you joined this company and you take the experience over there as well , is that the time you spend two days together , and actually find out what it is that makes you go and I do n't suppose that happens often , , dropped you off the boat together for more than two hours at a time .
15 We have shown for the first time an inhibition of in vitro CCPR in normal and premalignant human rectal epithelium by vitamin D and its metabolites .
16 My mum has a passion fruit plant and it has grown for the first time .
17 More importantly still , it had provided for the first time an ‘ effective ’ means of redress for those wishing to complain that interception has been improperly authorized .
18 But Greenpeace noted that the British government 's willingness to sign the convention as it stood was a fundamental shift in policy in that it had agreed for the first time to the elimination in principle of dangerous chemicals .
19 Further , on appointment he had realised for the first time that the eastern parts of the District remained largely undeveloped by the WEA .
20 He raised the mug to his lips and sipped the hot sugary tea , remembering the day when he had sat for the first time in Mr Corcoran 's office .
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