Example sentences of "[pron] have [be] [v-ing] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Pretty much what happened was that I 'd been waiting all this time to be successful , to achieve whatever I was going to achieve , now I had and I was sitting in this flippin' hotel thinking : This is not where it 's at .
2 I 'd been planning that very thing . ’
3 ‘ He says it 's because he volunteered when he was too young and now he 's been pestering them , but I 've been pestering all three services and got nowhere . ’
4 Incidentally , I 've been reading some recent studies of Sardinian banditry .
5 But so far , that 's why I chitted at him this morning about that coal because I 've been using this all morning , I 've not been lighting fire till between one and three o'clock .
6 I 've been seeing these funny yellow ones !
7 I 've been waiting all this time for a baby , but I must admit the carrying of it is more tiring than I 'd expected . ’
8 I will , because I 've been recording all this .
9 I 've been going half crazy with worry wondering what on earth had happened to you . ’
10 I 've been practising this mega dance routine .
11 Me , I 've been doing that all my life . ’
12 I 've been doing all this that looks nice yes ?
13 ‘ It … it 's just that life is so bloody and I 've been carrying this dreadful emotional weight around with me since Seville and I want rid of it . ’
14 It 's funny you know , since I 've been having these new cars I see these old cars , what a lot of bloody rubbish on the road , you know !
15 I must say I 've only grown two maincrop this year , I 've been clearing some new ground and I 've just grown King Edward and Pink Fir Apple , I 've got the biggest biggest Pink Fir Apples you have ever seen bar none but I 'm coming back to you now Fred , I put to you a few minutes ago , your personal recommendations for the best three or four or five potatoes for the different cooking purposes .
16 I 've been requesting that small courtesy for weeks !
17 But he added : ‘ That said , I must say I am extremely pessimistic about the future of the plant , given all that I have been hearing these last few days . ’
18 It is very hard to fight like I have been doing these last few months .
19 And I discover , to my horror , that I am slowly becoming what I have been claiming all this time to be .
20 The Midlands ' shop stewards knew it was only a question of time before the strike affected supplies to their own plants and those in the South , jeopardising the recovery plan which had been producing such vast improvements in performance .
21 One thing I think I know now , though — where she has been hiding all this time .
22 She has been doing some spectacular work , going very well with Governor 's Imp , and Luca Cumani very generously let me work her with Red Slippers the other day , and after that I knew we had a live Group One horse , ’ the trainer added .
23 She 'd worn slacks all through rehearsals and the only other times he 'd seen her she 'd been wearing that dreary suit .
24 There must be hundreds of people named McMahon — Be ironic , though , would n't it , if she 'd been staying all this time in the house of the woman she was looking for ?
25 Ca n't believe you 've been watching all this television .
26 How can I know what you 've been thinking all this time ?
27 Like me , you 've been waiting all these years , whether you knew it or not . ’
28 I know you 've been investigating that horrible Martin man , even though you 've tried to keep it quiet , so here you are . ’
29 ‘ So you 've been paying this other man for three months .
30 You think you 're exhausted after a days work imagine if you 've been doing that all day long , shouting
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