Example sentences of "[pron] have [be] [adj] for [num] " in BNC.

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1 I had been married for seven hours .
2 The world of secondary schools was one from which I had been absent for eight years and it had in the mean time greatly expanded , so that the new secondary modern schools now occupied most — although not necessarily the most strategically important — territory .
3 I 'm 21 , I 've been married for four years and I have two children aged three and one .
4 I 've been married for sixteen years .
5 I 've been married for 16 years to a man I really love .
6 Hang on , wait a minute , er August , September , January , February , March I 've been single for nine months .
7 I 've been bad for two weeks
8 That 's why I 've been quiet for two hours
9 I HAVE been married for 26 years to a wife I have loved since I was 20 .
10 As for myself — Bob and I have been married for forty-six years , and spent most of our married life on and around Manchester , where he was ( eventually ) Market Research Manager in an engineering firm , and I practised social work when not fully engaged with the 2 children .
11 Now Daph and I have been married for 30 years .
12 Now I have been married for ten years .
13 I have been unemployed for seven months now and all the people I meet in the Job Club seem to have at least one bad experience of these so-called training schemes .
14 We are trying to populate a land which has been derelict for two thousand years with a people which has been scattered for two thousand years .
15 The 45 residents of Etna Drive in Ardoyne can now look out proudly at shrubs and flowers on land which had been derelict for 17 years .
16 But the downside is that Pinatubo — which had been dormant for 600 years — may have been the reason we have all been reaching for our brollies and in some cases sandbagging the front door over the past few weeks .
17 Today in Swindon , I saw 24 houses in a main street — they were attractive properties — all of which had been empty for 20 years .
18 Anglo-Saxon archaeology has n't come to a crisis point as did prehistoric studies in the early 1960s ; rather it is gradually slipping into new directions with the establishment of a generation of archaeologists more aware that alternative approaches exist to be tried and which have been available for 20 years .
19 All too often , we are called to see foals which have been ill for 24 hours or more and by that stage they can be very sick indeed .
20 By the death , at the age of 66 , of Mr. Philip Henry Thomas which took place after a long illness , on Saturday the 18th instant , at his residence at 13 Rusham Road , Battersea loses a citizen who has been active for 40 years in championing the cause of Liberalism in this borough … .
21 District authorities in Devon banned the jump in the county because of fears over the type of crane to be used , said Mr Collier , who has been blind for 22 years .
22 District authorities in Devon banned the jump in the county because of fears over the type of crane to be used , said Mr Collier , who has been blind for 22 years .
23 She keeps her boyfriend , who has been unemployed for four years .
24 ‘ We always wanted to sponsor a guide dog and by the time you 've been married for 50 years you 've got everything you need and there 's no point in getting presents you do n't really need , ’ said Mr Lea .
25 She had been married for five years and it took as many years again to finalise the divorce .
26 She had been married for 19 years and had four children ( aged between 12 and 17 years ) .
27 She had been amenorrhoeic for six months before her first attendance at this hospital .
28 At ten to seven she had been ready for twenty minutes .
29 On admission she had been anuric for 24 h ( haemoglobin 4.4 g/dL , potassium 4.1 mmol/L , creatinine 937 mmol/L , urea 119 mmol/L , lactic dehydrogenase 3327 IU/L , platelets 71×10/L ) .
30 A wife , who had been married for six years , consulted the defendant firm of solicitors about her divorce proceedings .
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