Example sentences of "[pron] be at [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the objectives of the analysis are clearer , a selective transcription will be more useful than a detailed one , which is at that later stage of the research likely to contain much unwanted information .
2 Obviously , there are others on the fringes of this group who have dropped out for 1-2 years ( an extra 13 firms ) but this leaves a large number who are at most transient players .
3 What mischief have you been at this last while , then ? ’
4 So how long have you been at these particular premises ?
5 In addition to that you get depreciation of one thousand one hundred and forty four pound per year which , by my reckoning is ninety five pound a month in addition to that , as a Methodist Minister you get a standing charge of five hundred and twenty eight pound per year which is forty four pound pe er , per month and then you also through i in the year if you have a major repair needed on your car you get a hundred and eight pound now , if in fact , I had , I have a Vauxhall Nova , and let me take these figures as you are at twenty four P a mile , or twenty four point five P a mile and if that 's all we are recommended , recommending , in other words , there 's no lump sum at all er , that would mean that I would be getting forty nine pound but Methodist , this colleague in Llandudno if he did
6 In order to achieve this position , your bowman must know where the line is and how far away from it you are at any given moment .
7 You 're at maximum lean angle now with so much grip that when it does step out it throws you a long way .
8 If he has any social reform plans , he should approach the Minister of Health who is at this very moment bringing to an end the old Poor Law … ’
9 Lizzy was n't at Joanie 's on New Year 's Eve , she was at that bloody rave !
10 They were wondering where she was at that very moment .
11 Precious few people knew where she was at this present moment in time and , besides , Simone had visited only the night before .
12 Although , as we shall see , a large proportion of divorced people remarry , there are at any one time a good number of single-person households or single-parent households created by divorce .
13 It is impossible to say , even for the relatively well-documented western part of the Carolingian Empire , how many counts there were at any one time , let alone identify the personnel .
14 And yet , according to Arp , NGC 4319 and Mrk 205 are connected by streamers of material , impossible if they are at such different distances from us .
15 If it has rights they are at best analogical ones .
16 It 's inedible , but who would want to bother anyway , since they are at most two inches high !
17 Right , so after twenty seconds they 're up to full speed , and flat out , erm they 're at forty five degrees .
18 Numerically both the Poles and the Kaszubians were declining ; socially they were at best second-class citizens .
19 It is very difficult to say with certainty what they were at any particular moment .
20 The contestants were asked to note where they were at ten minute intervals .
21 But there is in us another level of being which lies deeper than knowing or acting , and it is at that further depth that the genuine religious impulse arises and lives .
22 It appears to broaden the categories of non-consent so that , for example , fraud is not merely confined to fraud as to the nature of the act or husband impersonation , as it is at English common law .
23 Are rich , it is at this dear cost
24 The seven items outlined above thus form a very important part of the design stage of a program , as well as in its implementation , as it is at this initial stage that the appropriate facilities and practicalities are planned .
25 Dreaming is ideal for such sites ; if the dreams of Earth can be dreamt anywhere , it is at these sacred waters .
26 It was at one such gathering that he described the venerable French cabaret singer Mistinguette as ‘ a rose-red cutie , half as old as time ’ .
27 It was at that precise moment that James became aware of PC Charlton .
28 He continued up the hill , and she went on down ; but a few paces further on she stopped and looked back , and it was at that precise moment that it happened , because he had turned back as well and for a few moments they looked longingly at each other , each tongue-tied , but each sure , now , of the other 's feelings .
29 It was at that precise moment the killer pack picked up their trail back in the woods , having arrived hotfoot in answer to the summons of the ultrasonic whistle .
30 Perhaps it was at that same party that Marevna , who stayed until dawn , saw Modigliani and Beatrice fighting ferociously until Modi grabbed her and flung her through a closed window .
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