Example sentences of "[pron] be [v-ing] them [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In which case , it seems worth asking why I am considering them at all within the limited confines of this book .
2 well mines the first two weeks and I 'm keeping them off those two days that they 're supposed to be at school
3 I 'm doing them like that .
4 Yeah , you normally write them in a straight line but when , when they were numbers I was writing them under each other cos it was easier to add .
5 and I was telling them about that Indian or Asian doctor at the City Hospital in the Maternity unit .
6 It may be that you are not giving yourself enough challenge in the learning goals you set yourself , and that you are attaining them without any stretching of your ability .
7 This is not a guide as to when to call on expert medical advice which should always be determined by the condition of the patient and carried out at whatever stage you would normally call upon such help whether or not you are treating them with Homoeopathic remedies .
8 Your interviewer is a representative of the organisation and you are judging them as such .
9 If you are driving them near known pipe or cable runs , take care not to pierce them ; it 's best to drive the new nails as close to existing nail positions as possible for safety .
10 Mountain bikes do n't have guards because if you 're using them on wet and muddy terrain you do n't want to constantly have to stop to unclog the wheels .
11 How many contracts you 're basing them on two to three weeks .
12 People always need clothes do n't they and they 'll always buy them off you if you 're selling them at half price …
13 You were lending them to this one here .
14 Well they 're three weeks old and she 's selling them for two hundred and fifty pounds .
15 She was regarding them with wide , dark eyes , full of uncertainty .
16 IT would have to be demonstrated , for example , that she was placing them in moral or physical danger with her lifestyle . ’
17 Response has been excellent and we are putting them to good use — please keep them coming !
18 By depriving these children of the chance to learn languages or humanities we are depriving them of all those resources that the ruling elites of the country find so important .
19 The fact that we are providing the services for Wiltshire , that they were providing , and we 're providing them for less money , is surely something to be applauded .
20 how much we 're helping them through this .
21 It was as though something was pulling them towards that end of the cabin .
22 They are taking them from one list and putting them on another . ’
23 They 're pounding them with bent drumsticks , hard and fast , with all the strength of their hands and wrists .
24 Me auntie got it up there and when she got up there they were selling them for nineteen pounds .
25 They were selling them off cheap .
26 ‘ Perhaps he 's taking them to another field where there is more grass , ’ said the aunt .
27 and as soon as the panes been blown out , it was such a force , it was blowing them between two houses , smashing on the road , and in the end , once a few more panes had gone that was it the whole greenhouse , I sat there watching this greenhouse , it just suddenly launched itself off the bit on it , over our fence , it went , there was glass everywhere for weeks afterwards , when I was cutting the lawn , oh dear the
28 ‘ You know , ’ she said resentfully , ‘ when Billy was inside he was sharing a landing with some very funny men , and one day he was telling them about that pub he bought with the cellars full of Château d'Yquem not showing off or nothing , just by way of general conversation , and they said , ‘ Nice , is it , with that stuff you lot eat ?
29 He was aping them to some extent , but what was different was that touching quality . ’
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