Example sentences of "[pron] be [v-ing] [that] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am assuming that this identity business is a foible of John 's , of Tod 's , of Hamilton 's , and not universal .
2 Furthermore I am suggesting that each team should be no larger than 16 staff .
3 I am suggesting that this relationship is also to be found in games , in the arts and in life .
4 The title of this article may suggest that I am claiming that all girls are marginalised in mathematics , but I hope that I have indicated that the situation we actually see is far more complicated than this .
5 Hence , I am arguing that ALL staff accept similar responsibility for disruptive pupils .
6 So what I 'm hoping that this Council will do is send a message up to White Hall that this is an abuse of executive power to stifle the challenges of t to the authority .
7 So I 'm hoping that this system that I give you will allow you to do that , anybody been a best man at a wedding ?
8 I have n't read anything official from Elland Road for the past few months , so I 'm presuming that this season coming we wo n't need premier cards to go to away games .
9 It is in the shared interest of of the parties I 'm describing that this county should be able to attract and accommodate er inward investment of strategic significance to help the people of this county find the due employment that they need .
10 No I 'm not , but I 'm saying that some people probably have a natural , a natural teaching ability .
11 The beans have now reached the top of their 6ft canes and I 'm praying that any autumn gales will be delayed until the beans are all safely harvested .
12 Nearly ten years ago , in CD 's infancy , I was writing that most CD players sound like poor quality amplifiers , not least because they contain poor quality amplifier circuits , and little seems to have changed in the interim .
13 Well , see when you 're drinking that all day long
14 I take the point that you 're suggesting that another group may have re- considered it 's position .
15 alright , well then building on that I do n't quite understand it , if you 're , you 're saying that those provisions that allow agents to pull for whatever funds are necessary are what , void to what extent to the extent that the funds are or are said to be erm needed to satisfy claims on policies which had you known that which you say you ought to have known , you would not have er authorised the agents to write , type rather long that , but I
16 She 's warning that more lives will be lost because cars and lorries are racing through the main street at up to eighty miles an hour .
17 Cos I was talking to Lilian , she was thinking that each year she 'd be given an update it should be a five year plan .
18 ‘ No doubt , ’ murmured Dr Neil , who was finding that this interchange , far from dowsing lust , was fuelling it , so that he had a terrible desire to fall on his knees before his skivvy , crying , ‘ Be mine , McAllister , be mine , immediately , ’ like a hero , or perhaps a villain , in a stage melodrama .
19 Also , as you all know , the festive season is fast approaching and in Glasgow the Committee will be helping to sell raffle tickets to raise funds for a good cause , every year we hold a raffle on the day of the Christmas lunch and we are hoping that this year we will raise a substantial amount .
20 Note that we are assuming that both sets of firms sell their output at the price p t and that they have identical real wage elasticities of demand ( - α ) : that is , the firms are identical in every respect other than the timing of their wage contracts .
21 In this sense we are arguing that all accounts , including those that aspire to academic objectivity , are structured by the social contexts in which they are generated .
22 We are saying that some populations ( i.e. sexual ones ) evolve faster than others , and hence will survive when others go extinct .
23 We are saying that this applicant does not do that
24 Oh , that too erm that we are , had , if we are saying that this evening we are looking at communications and different elements of it , I think this is an area which if ever there was an example of how perhaps not to do it how to blow it askew , it 's probably the best one we 've had in , in decades .
25 On the first point about the making of local plans , we 're hearing that this policy has the great support , in fact was requested by all the districts in the county .
26 We 're hoping that these pings and pops will prove to be sexually attractive to this group of males .
27 is going to happen , it 's a question of whether we g go for three hours ' training we I think we 're agreeing that some sort of preliminary training is going to come forward but not necessary three hours .
28 Well no we 're not saying any such thing , we 're saying that this format is not very helpful and that Wendy is learning , is going to learn format that is better .
29 While no one is suggesting that any health risks attach to Quorn , it need only take one popular comedian cracking jokes at Quorn 's expense to generate major marketing problems .
30 Sometimes historians assume when they are writing that this context already exists in the mind of the reader ( e.g. that you are familiar with a particular person or idea ; that you have background knowledge of a topic ) .
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