Example sentences of "[pron] be [vb pp] [art] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You got it right and you stuck to your guns and cos I 'm put a little doubt in your mind you changed .
2 And I was born the same day .
3 Later , along with two other historians who had , like me , secured entry to Oxford or Cambridge , I was given a few science tutorials in my last term at school .
4 But I was asked the same thing after Duncton Wood came out , I said I 'd never do another and I 've written five more .
5 But someone was murdered the same day and that does matter .
6 Mm , see this is a very difficult one to understand , it takes a lot of er working out , you see then he 's also applied , approached the city you see which is called the same thing is n't it ?
7 Factoring , which is updated every half year , provides an analysis of the industry ; a brief historical guide ; details of all major factoring companies ; the main institutions and regulatory bodies ; and a checklist for those considering factoring .
8 Dissident middle-ranking army officers staged a coup attempt in April , which was foiled the same day after heavy fighting [ see p. 37367 ] .
9 Had she been asked the same question in different surroundings her amazement might have been tempered with doubt that Nahum Morey was in his right mind , but in this confined space she began to share his conviction that they had been drawn together by their various needs .
10 The figures are different to the perception of those not incontinent who were asked the same question : 71% ( 2564 ) thought that the condition would have a great deal or fair amount of effect on their lifestyle and only 20% ( 692 ) not much or none at all .
11 She was born the same day in 1877 that Alexander Graham Bell launched his first telephone company and became a teacher when just 13 .
12 I always felt an affinity with Donna , I thought it was because we were born the same day — ’
13 As volunteers for the day we were accorded the same privilege .
14 Only a little thought will show what a nonsense this is , for , as we have just seen , no two individuals manifest their illnesses in exactly the same way even if they are given the same disease label .
15 Olive Saunderson and Norman Field met and fell in love in predictably romantic circumstances when the Fields and the Saundersons were guests on board Lord Vestey 's yacht on a cruise to Norway in 1909 They were married the same year in Dublin and returned to England to set up home .
16 After all , they were paid the same sum whether Nigel arrived by Rolls Royce or dustcart .
17 The more they were squeezed the more chrome was exuded , as if from a tube , at each end .
18 They were offered the same curriculum as the rest of the unstreamed class , i.e. they were on course to fail the 11 plus .
19 It 's believed the same gang have raided at least three homes … and they may be linked with a series of other burglaries .
20 He 's named the same side which has started the last three games .
21 He 's named the same side which has started the last three games .
22 He 's done the same thing with the torture scene .
23 He 's only thirty-four , and he 's done the same thing all over the Far East , taking over struggling and usually amateur or pirate radio stations like this one once was , and putting in people like me who pull commercial sponsorship because we draw listeners .
24 ‘ I know a guy who has been fined three times and he 's done the same thing again and got another fine .
25 But I think the thing that runs through the whole collection and that makes Doisneau a remarkable photographer , is that he 's photographed the same locality and this is the locality where he still lives , really from the early 30s right through to the present .
26 I in the past th Granville mentioned these letters that used to work their way down from on high which might have just been a , a bit of a twinkle in somebody 's eye with no money at all to spend on physical work but even so it was given the same status within the R C E's organization of five or ten years ago a a as an investment item was , it was almost authorized .
27 On it was inscribed the same text in three different scripts — Egyptian hieroglyphic and demotic as well as , most importantly , Greek .
28 The spokesman said that 10 NPFL fighters had died in the Vahun incident , and that all bodies had been buried , but it was reported the same day that Taylor had ordered that the bodies should be exhumed .
29 It was reported the same day that the UN military commander in Somalia , Brig. -Gen .
30 ‘ Laurence Taylor died at Stubbylee of Asiatic Cholera , having arrived from Liverpool only on Saturday last ; he was interred the same day at the old Baptist Chapel . ’
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