Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] the [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm just the same size I 've always been , Mum .
2 ‘ I 'm the world champion I know , but I 'm still the same boy who raced his Vespa through the streets of Riolo . ’
3 I 'm still the same person .
4 Damn it all , I 'm still the same man . ’
5 ‘ I 've matured as a cricketer through playing against better players but I 'm still the same bloke I was three or four years ago , ’ he said .
6 I was pleased we were talking about girls because I felt this was a subject where Andy 's two extra years did n't really count ; I was effectively the same age as him , and maybe I even knew more than he did because I mixed with girls every day and he only really knew his sister Clare .
7 Carter was an exception , to this and to everything else , but I used to feel that I was roughly the same age as the reigning American President .
8 And now all of them have months which are always the same length of four weeks exactly four weeks so you 'd always know the first of the month would be a Sunday or whatever day you choose to start on and the seventh would always be a Sunday and the fourteenth would be a Sunday and so on .
9 On Q.29 we answered ‘ means absolute zero ’ whereas it was ‘ minus absolute zero ’ , which is practically the same meaning .
10 In this fertile , irrigated region which is roughly the same size as the Netherlands , there is an abundance of fruit .
11 As the real FFL costs money , I think the Telegraph one which is basically the same game , but with slightly different rules to set your team up , is the one to follow for us .
12 It seems more likely that the knot symbolized the bond between the communicant and the deity , or that it was an attempt to bind the deity by magic , which is much the same thing .
13 Nothing is barred , except that your subject ( which is , note , not the same thing as your deeper theme ) should involve crime of some sort and that your presentation of it should be in a manner that will entertain , which is almost the same thing as saying it should be through a progressing story .
14 You do n't see luxurious leather-bound books in most homes , which is all the more reason you 'll be proud to see them in yours !
15 If you think about , it 's very difficult for looking at graph one than er than er looking at the more settled line on graph two , which is actually the same thing if you abide by that
16 Whereas the men had sixty percent effective tags and forty percent modal which is still the same direction but to a lesser extent .
17 Because the Australian aborigines still exist at the hunter-gatherer level of culture they have no need for a weaning trauma in early childhood as is found among all primitive agriculturalists , and consequently children , although experiencing a period of oral dependency as they do in the West , linger in that stage , do not have to give it up and , in a sense , remain unweaned until adulthood — or , certainly until initiation , which is essentially the same thing .
18 The process that was followed in preparing the , which was exactly the same process as being followed in previous years .
19 The second element was that I had just started working at the London School of Economics in October 1970 , which was exactly the same time as GLF started meeting there and LSE was in one of its periods of turmoil which involved me as someone working on the staff and excited me politically .
20 Hell was being without God , I thought , but I said nothing , just stared instead at the white wash of cabin light on the rushing water , and I wondered why some people could take cocaine and just walk away from it , while others ended up in hell , or in a peep-show which was probably the same thing .
21 That , and trying to recruit him to the parents ' Association committee ( which was almost the same thing , as the most active women members were divorcees ) .
22 I have in front of me a copy of the data sheet produced by the company which makes it , which was incidentally the same company which made Opran , do you remember Opran which was withdrawn from the market , it 's just
23 She 's only the same age as Tommy but I think she 's already a good enough organist to start playing in church on Sundays . ’
24 She is exactly the same age as Mrs Smith and came to Britain from Jamaica in 1957 as a 20-year old with her father ( a skilled motor mechanic who came to work on the London buses ) , her mother and her three brothers .
25 But she is still the same MP ; I do n't think she has moved an inch . ’
26 But Rhaw drew on all the leading German composers of the post-Isaac generation — Ludwig Senfl ( c. 1486–c. 1543 ) , Balthasar Resinarius ( Harzer ) ( C. 1485–1544 ) , Arnold von Bruck ( c. 1490–1554 ) , Sixt Dietrich ( c. 1493–1548 ) , Benedictus Ducis ( d. 1544 ) ( who is possibly the same man as Benedictus de Opitiis ) , Stephan Mahu ( c. 1485–c. 1541 ) — as well as the long dead Stoltzer and one Fleming , Lupus Hellinck .
27 It was unbelievable that she was only the same age as many of them .
28 She was almost the same age as Julius , and had been with him for over ten years .
29 By comparison with a freighter , moored so close her black stern virtually hung over Isvik 's knife-edged bows , she looked very small , but viewing her from the standpoint of the maxi in which I had raced round the world , I guessed she was roughly the same size — at least twenty-five metres long with a good beam and what looked like a deep V-shaped hull .
30 We 're exactly the same age , and have similar backgrounds , so we 're on common ground from the start .
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