Example sentences of "[pron] be [conj] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The book gives you a clear insight into the complexities of piloting a fast jet at low altitude , keeping tabs on exactly where you are and planning on the wing exactly where you want to be within an acceptable tolerance at a checkpoint of plus or minus five seconds .
2 And it , it becomes you 'd never actually get the thing printed and you 'd never actually get the thing distributed because you , you , you 're wondering what to put in , what not to put in as it were and sticking to the specifics er at least it 's getting it 's getting something out and I do n't , personally I do n't see any , any real problem in personalizing it further and as much to indicate , right , without obvious prejudice to the new union erm to indicate er in , in some general or specific sense , if that does n't sound like sort of like contradictory , on on the , the , the betterment of , of representation for members within , within Northumberland come unison .
3 But it is when riding in the British Isles — both parts of this island , England Scotland and Wales — that most of us are most vulnerable .
4 After the death of Brunel in 1859 he was promoted engineer-in-chief , and it was while working on the ferry piers in 1862–3 that the idea of the Severn railway tunnel came into his mind .
5 It was while travelling around the world for the UN that she first became impressed with the simple forms of cosmetics made from natural ingredients used by remote communities .
6 It was while travelling around the world that the seeds of her future calling were first sown .
7 Adams stated that whilst he and Moore were at supper he saw an unusual light in the direction of the Body Shop but , instead of going to see what it was and turning on the water from the hydrants to endeavour to arrest the progress of the flames , he caused the alarm bell to be rung and then ran to the gate to admit the Fire Brigade .
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