Example sentences of "[pron] be [verb] at the end " in BNC.

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1 This will be my last N C V O , A G M as a member of staff since I 'm leaving at the end of January , to become Chief Executive of Arthritis Care .
2 These birds come from America , so they are difficult to get hold of and I had the added problem that I was looking at the end of the breeding season .
3 I was working at a hospital in the out-patients ' department recently and when I was leaving at the end of my shift one day , I saw the following message pinned on the notice board , obviously from an extremely irate patient : ‘ Time is a great healer .
4 For three quarters of the race she was within the time for for another British mark , but as she explained afterwards : ‘ Two hard 50-metres just before meant I was lacking at the end . ’
5 Regular tests , usually written tests , which are given at the end of a section of the syllabus , were also termed coursework " .
6 But environmentalists warn that this could also result in third world countries being the destination of some of the toxic materials which are left at the end of the recycling process .
7 These three approaches to the theory of the state ( which are summarized at the end of Section 10–4 ) have rather different origins and have tended to be formulated in quite different terms .
8 Volvo on the other hand is testing buses fitted with filters like dustbins , which are cleaned at the end of a day .
9 Although I should warn you that about two hundred of those nine hundred rigs were probably actor active as a result of special tax breaks , which were ended at the end of nineteen ninety two and wo n't be repeated .
10 A fuller description of each of the new awards , which were accredited at the end of January , is given on page 5 .
11 In spite of Amritsar , he announced himself willing to co-operate with the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms which were unveiled at the end of the year , and only changed his mind as the degree of Dyer 's support in British public opinion was borne in upon him , and as he began to find himself isolated by the more radical elements in Congress , who had either already lost their faith in the British , or had never had any .
12 Although Crawford had intended to do only one series of Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em , for fear of becoming typecast , the impact of Frank Spencer persuaded him to make another six episodes , which were broadcast at the end of 1973 .
13 The conclusions of this study , which were delivered at the end of 1989 , confirmed the widely held view that takeover activity in the Community was operating on a one-way street : while the UK market was open to takeovers , this was not so for the rest of the Community .
14 Hence in part at least the lack of interest in Beveridge 's plans for full employment , which were published at the end of 1944 .
15 After describing an examination which is taken at the end of schooling ( compulsory schooling ends at 16 , but just over half stay at school till 17 ) and which to British eyes seems remarkably casual , the HMI team observes :
16 Age Concern England has written to Tony Newton , Secretary of State for Social Security , prior to his announcement on social security upratings which is expected at the end of October .
17 In simplified form , their model consists of the following three equations : where is the rate of growth of the money stock in country , is a variable , the value of which is known at the end of the previous period and which influences monetary growth ; α i and β i are coefficients for country i ; and are normally and independently distributed random errors , with zero means and variances and respectively ; and is a constant .
18 Across the road is the Convent of Santa Clara which was built at the end of the fifteenth century and rebuilt in the seventeenth century .
19 But first , work 's been going on throughout the day to clear-up the Broomloan Stand at Ibrox which was damaged at the end of the big match last night .
20 Finally , Mario Segre in one of the most brilliant of his early studies argued that many of the Italian scenes with Gauls — such as the frieze of Civita Alba in Picenum , which was discovered at the end of the last century — may represent a Celtic attack on the temple of Apollo and Artemis at Didyma near Miletus , which was sacked in 277/6 B.C. ( Studi Etruschi 8 ( 1934 ) , 137–42 ) .
21 This book has had to be reprinted as the original which was published at the end of November 1991 was withdrawn owing to an injunction issued by Sheik Zayed bin Sultan at Nahayan the Ruler of Abu Dhabi .
22 Encouraged by US officials , on his return to Moscow he worked with Gorbachev 's economic adviser Yevgeny Primakov to draft an open letter to the G-7 leaders which was published at the end of May , proposing the co-ordination of a plan of Soviet economic reform with a G-7 programme of economic assistance .
23 In this chapter , we resume our discussion of translation difficulties and strategies at the level of text by looking at cohesion , the second feature of text organization which was mentioned at the end of Chapter 4 .
24 In fact there is some allophonic evidence that supports the two-phoneme analysis : we find this in the occurrence of glottalisation ( which was described at the end of Chapter 6 ) .
25 If the actual money stock in t is accurately predicted by agents at the end of period t - 1 ( in symbols ) , the actual price level in t will equal the price level which was expected at the end of t - 1 since expectations regarding the future behaviour of the money stock have been accurately generated by the efficient use of the information available in .
26 As such , his principal task was to secure the concordat , which was signed at the end of August 1953 .
27 Included is WACC 's statement on Communication and Community , and the Lima Declaration on Communication which was issued at the end of a major consultation organised by WACC and the Peruvian-based Latin American Institute .
28 Some of these questions are now being addressed in the Royal Society of Arts ' Tomorrow 's Company inquiry into company purpose in a changing world , which was launched at the end of January .
29 Any further work is now dependent on a new £4 million appeal , which was launched at the end of last year .
30 If you are dismissed at the end of your first year , concentrating on the terms of the contract leads to the conclusion that you ordinarily worked in Great Britain , whereas looking at what actually happened leads to the opposite conclusion .
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