Example sentences of "[pron] be [verb] to [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 so everything 's got ta be sorted out before the Tuesday er I 'm going to in the morning erm
2 I was sitting there waiting for the grub to show when Martin Amis came through the open door — you know , the writer I was chatting to in the pub the other night .
3 tickling her while I was talking to on the phone !
4 Somebody was telling me that erm some careers service It was Steve I was talking to in the car the other night .
5 ‘ Do you remember the man I was talking to in the club ?
6 ‘ Rusty 's a delight to work for , and it 's a stunning contrast with what I was used to at the Victoria and Albert Museum ’ , says LACMA 's decorative arts curator Martin Chapman .
7 But basic biographical details which are referred to in the letters often receive no mention in the main text .
8 Even these few quotations show that the notion of the ‘ map ’ or ‘ structure ’ of a subject is by no means straightforward , and involves not only the theoretical or conceptual unities which are referred to in the literature on the nature of disciplines ( OECD 1972 ) , but the approach , emphasis and even methods of teaching .
9 There are ancillary definitions in clause 1 and in clauses 2–5 which are referred to in the notes .
10 The Title to the property is registered at H.M. Land Registry and is sold with the benefit of the rights granted by , but subject to the exceptions and reservations in respect of the adjoining properties which are referred to in the Property Register of the Title , a copy of which enclose .
11 The purchaser should reject at all costs any attempt by the vendor to disclose any other documents which are referred to in the documents presented with the disclosure letter .
12 These included : — unrest in Sunderland against a colony of Mormons whose church was attacked with ‘ volleys of stones ’ — an exciting river rescue in South Park , Darlington , where an old man almost drowned — worries in Middlesbrough about dogs running loose and unmuzzled which were referred to in the Commons — the Guardians in Tynemouth were engaged in clearing out the workhouses , putting children in institutions or ‘ scattered homes ’ — a picture hall in Consett was fined for overcrowding ; — the oldest inhabitant of Coundon , Ralph Goundry , had died aged 97 .
13 The delivered LIFESPAN software will be loaded into a single VMS directory , which is referred to as the Installation Directory .
14 A further story , which is referred to in the Book of the Dead , the Book of Amduat and other texts , concerns the struggles of Re against his principle enemy , Apophis , the serpent symbol of darkness .
15 The letters dated 25th May and 6th June were fully endorsed by the most recent meeting of the Forum which went on to pass a detailed resolution which is referred to in the press release .
16 However , it will come as no surprise to the hon. Member for Glasgow , Garscadden ( Mr. Dewar ) when I say that my party has its own alternative to the council tax , which is referred to in the amendment tabled by myself and my hon. Friends .
17 Erm , I too endorse the er views expressed by other members , but I think it 's also worth commenting on the work that , and contribution that 's made of voluntary , by by volunteers to the work of the archivist , which is referred to in the report .
18 It consisted of a stage , a small open space which was referred to as the dance floor , and a bar selling a limited selection of alcoholic drinks in plastic beakers .
19 With regard to the remit of the STUCC , which was referred to by the Hon.
20 The defendant was employed as a sales representative who sold the service of renovating and repairing office furniture and commercial seating and the judge correctly decided that that must be the business which was referred to by the restraint of trade clause .
21 Hall also describes the conservatism of collectors in American ( for example , the enthusiasm for late Rembrandt before World War I ) which was catered to by the leading dealers , many of whom , including Colnaghi 's , began to lag behind the more advanced taste for the Baroque that began to be expressed by museum curators .
22 It gave the room an artificially cosy feel , which was added to by the open fireplace and the array of expensive leather furniture that dotted the floor , spread out on thick carpet as dark as wet concrete .
23 Some languages quite openly exploit this belief : Janssen-Jurreit notes that in Konkani , a language of south India , there is a distinction between married women ( who are referred to by the feminine form ) and young or widowed women ( who get the neuter to mark their lesser status ) .
24 What you got to do in that context is forget all the equipment , all the rest of it , try and focus on the chap you 're talking to in the studio , and just have a conversation with him .
25 Whatever local radio you were listening to during the 3rd week of June , it is likely that you would have heard Delahunty 's editorial director , Paul Mace , on the hour , every hour , bringing you those live reports from the Pilkington Glass Ladies ' Championships at Eastbourne .
26 Rule 7.3(12) provides for the service of a copy of a notice upon a person who is referred to in the notice not being a member concerned .
27 She was referred to in the temple archives at Knossos , although as far as we know her nearest sanctuary was the Cave of Eileithyia at Amnisos ( Figure 16 ) .
28 These are all the potential problems we are exposed to in the twentieth century .
29 This was surprising because temperatures that we are used to in the room involve the motions of atoms and their electrons , but the nuclear processes occur on energy scales utterly unlike these ; it is the muon that provides the seed , not the temperature of the room .
30 There 's also more humour in the titles , lyrics and samples than we 're used to from the techno end of the market .
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