Example sentences of "[pron] and [verb] into [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Crawford travelled to New York by himself and booked into the Algonquin Hotel just before Christmas 1966 , tucking into a turkey sandwich and cold tea on the festive day and desperately missing wife Gabrielle and baby Emma , who were staying with Gabrielle 's father on his farm in Kent .
2 But he had left me and broken into a trot towards his block .
3 He turned his back on me and walked into the room .
4 A patch of lights off to the right revealed the presence of a town which slowly orbited them and disappeared into the darkness .
5 The plane swooped above them and thudded into the earth .
6 It was some time before we retrieved them and went into the piggery .
7 For the previous three years , Nottingham police forced an average 2,561 drivers a year to stop their cars , get out of them and blow into a plastic bag .
8 Eventually they take a plastic sack they 've found on the beach , drape it round the pair of them and walk into the water , giggling .
9 Passing beneath the arch the children felt the slope beneath them and tumbled into a trot , the echoes of their stamping feet sending the pigeons plummeting from their perches .
10 Stuart pointed just ahead of them but as he spoke , a little white Mini sped past them and slid into the place he had spotted .
11 " King Darzin , " he sniffled , " that wicked thief El-ahrairah , has said he will steal your lettuces and he is coming to trick you and get into the garden . "
12 It must have been chasing a squirrel or something and fell into the hollow and could not get out again . ’
13 Culliman chuckled at the idea ; the Ambassador murmured something and backed into the room .
14 She braced herself and went into the bar .
15 She 'd thought he was going to turn his back on Timothy Gedge and on herself and run into the house so that they would n't see his tears .
16 She dodged around him and ran into the road as he made a grab for her .
17 Abruptly she turned away from him and walked into the apartment 's lounge , not consciously knowing why she did so , but driven by a need to get away from this man and the harshness of his condemnation , which should n't matter to her , because he did n't matter , but which nevertheless called up a churning confusion of resentment and frustration , as well as a new , unnerving hurt .
18 He felt his way along the narrow walk of the triforium to the distant end , close to the east window that showed a shapely pattern of starry lancets against the blackness ; and there he wrapped his cloak about him and huddled into the corner with his back against the wall .
19 Ken suddenly left him and went into a doorway of Hamleys , the big toy shop .
20 He wiped his hand on the cloth his Dad gave him and went into the living-room .
21 I thanked him and hurried into the rain .
22 And then she reproached him and turned into a dragon , and flew away round the battlements making a terrible noise and battering the stones .
23 Jenna grinned at her and got into the car , looking around with pleasure as Marguerite reversed from the garage and turned to the track .
24 The second man released her and went into the hall to collect two coats and a hat .
25 Then , with a sound of disgust , Feargal pushed past her and went into the house .
26 ‘ Sure , ’ I kiss her and run into the house , for by now the air has turned crisp and cold .
27 She felt wetness leave her and sink into the towel .
28 The first was that , although several people recognized her and stopped her and peered into the pram saying ‘ Ah ’ , to none of them could she have begun to say what was on her mind .
29 She did as instructed but left the cup of soup out and as she glanced round she saw a hand grab it and disappear into the dark .
30 He averted his eyes from it and went into the kitchen , asking whether she would like an iced drink .
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