Example sentences of "[pron] and [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It used to hurt me that an African who was considered good enough to hand the cement to the man to lay the bricks could n't get the opportunity to lay the bricks himself and become a qualified tradesman . "
2 ( a ) The sub-contractor is encouraged to measure the work himself and submit a detailed account to the surveyor together with any daywork sheets signed by the general foreman .
3 Barth himself later said that he had been like a man who , tripping in the darkness of the church tower , had accidentally caught hold of the bell-rope to steady himself and alarmed the whole countryside .
4 It seems to me that he ca n't be that unhappy because he 's currently managing twelve vacancies deliberately , in order to produce underspend so that he can re-surface his car park , maintain privileged restaurants for his erm , senior officers , chauffeur driven car for himself and build a new hangar for his helicopter .
5 ‘ Spielberg is a games fanatic himself and has a hands-on involvement to ensure the final result is as faithful as possible to his original idea .
6 Upon entering , he had braced himself and executed a formal salute .
7 Our rambling sketcher did n't , alas , go in himself and record the young phenomenon with his pencil ; but he waited while a French cavalryman paid his penny farthing , entered the caravan , and emerged mouthing ‘ some very choice Norman phraseology ’ .
8 We see therefore that Boltzmann 's superposition integral is a special case of a more general functional relationship between stress and deformation gradient in which and has the special form in which the kernel function K1 contains t and only in the combination ( t — ) .
9 Afterwards she repented it bitterly , but she was hopeless at apologizing : instead of retracting her feelings , what she always did was to say that she was sorry for expressing them , a kind of amends that costs nothing and carries the built-in rebuke that the other person is unable to bear the truth .
10 And do you know , ’ he leaned across the table staring at me and tapping the open file softly with his huge fingers , ‘ if tomorrow I decide to release one of them , there will be over three times as much paper-work . ’
11 But you 'd do better to come down with me and make the long trip round . ’
12 ‘ Come , come and sit dose to me and keep an old man warm . ’
13 In his speech , Charles praised my ‘ sterling contribution ’ to the school and shortly after it Paul came up to me and made the touching suggestion that I should give some classes in the summer term — if I was still free .
14 In any event he did a very professional job with me and took a great weight off Laura 's shoulders .
15 I stole a quick sidelong glance , and saw him turn his head at the same instant to look at me and give a faint smile .
16 In fact I 'll even be super-optimistic for me and predict a clean sheet with Quinn 's injury .
17 12 She shifts her body and flips her wings to keep balance , then looks at me and makes a new sound , like peeEP ; very sharp .
18 I remember dad running after me and having a long conversation trying to make me understand . ’
19 I flew out to Chino , California , where the aircraft was based , Merril met me and flew an impressive display in the aircraft .
20 ‘ This man is of no more use to the world than those artists who came to fawn on me and scrape a little importance for themselves .
21 Tim is doing a one-year cabinetmaking course with me and paying a princely sum for the pleasure of doing it .
22 The same principle can be drawn from all of them and help the troubled find meaning and purpose in their lives .
23 The discounts can be 13 per cent or more , a good return for whoever buys them and recovers the full face value a year later from the issuing bank .
24 A number of pupils and staff are away on a four-day school trip and efforts were being made today to contact them and break the dreadful news .
25 The Arab states , with the exception of Lebanon and possibly Egypt , might well have resettled the bulk of the refugees , had Israel accepted the principle of the right of return by receiving back about one-quarter of them and had the international community generously funded resettlement .
26 The student should look out for them and make a mental note of their fascinating and beautiful effect .
27 First of all they are sorted into groups of similar material : pottery , brooches , pieces of worked stone , and so on ; these may be sent at this stage to various specialists , who will study them and write a technical report .
28 When they stepped out on to the track some twenty paces from him he only turned his head slowly to glance at them and made no other movement .
29 He commented on the smell of petrol that came from them and made an elaborate joke of not putting them too close to the flames .
30 Sadly for them , their response to it works against them and encourages the very behaviour they fear most .
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