Example sentences of "[pron] ask for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A young man wearing a yarmulka skullcap and sitting astride a roaring tractor wiped his brow with his arm when I asked for the location of Um Al-Farajh .
2 And they said so at the er at the district council , went up to district and I asked for the support of the district council and er probably John immediately said , you have the full support of the district council for it he says and I 'll ensure that you get support with the result I also received four posters direct from the Edinburgh District Council with John photograph on it and with the caption st stating every old age pensioner should be signing here .
3 Since the controller was n't busy I asked for the rest of the weather , and was told three at 800 , or 900 feet above the threshold of Runway 18 .
4 The system chosen was a form which asked for the name of the pupil , their form , and the author and title of the book borrowed .
5 If you asked for the evidence of accountability , there were no measures .
6 Now Lord we ask that the peace that you promise that passes our understanding will keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and in its Son , your Son , our Saviour Jesus Christ and we ask for the blessing of you , of the Father upon us , as we continue to serve in your name .
7 With another part they asked for the benefit of good management but without too much external pressure .
8 Mick began , then paused where it asked for the name of the vehicle 's owner .
9 With the minimum of props and the only gesture being a raised paw , he asked for the money for a cup of coffee , guv , sported a patch over one eye concealing a wound sustained in the service of his country , at the same time dragging a wooden leg fitted during the retreat from Moscow while maintaining that he had a bitch and five pups to support and did not know where his next meal was coming from .
10 He asked for the divorce to be put off , which the King said was Mrs Simpson 's business , and he urged that she should go away for six months .
11 Mr Morris , whose own house suffered relatively little damage , said he realised the potential danger early on Thursday evening when he asked for the river to be kept clear of debris before the level grew too high .
12 That was certainly the impression he gave to Taheb 's gatekeeper , a squat man with one wall-eye , who appraised him pessimistically with the other when he asked for the mistress of the house .
13 Only one contestant appeared and at the end of the prescribed waiting period , the hour of nine he asked for the non-appearance of his adversary to be legally recorded .
14 ‘ How does it work ? , ’ he asked for the sake of British tabloid papers .
15 While one takes into account the concern of Calvin and the reformers for the balance between the light of scripture and the inner light and direction given to individuals an experience vouchsafe for countless times in both the Old and New Testaments also remembering our lord 's own use of silence in prayer and I believe the increasing use of silence in modern worship and may I also say how very impressed I was by Dr 's prayer at the opening of this assembly in which he asked for the guidance of God and indeed your own equally eloquent prayer on Sunday evening Moderator open to the prompting and leading and guiding of God 's spirit .
16 If you are not too bothered erm , if you do n't know a priori where the break comes , you can just split the sample size in half and just estimate erm an equation for each , not less , you wo n't but the computer will , if you just specify half the sample size , right , and when it asks for the number of observations failure or Chow tests you just press the return key and it will use all the remaining observations , right , but when you are doing the empirical work you should always test for structural stability , right , and er either of Chow 's tests will , will suffice , right , but if you 've got a very small stock sample where there are fewer observations than there are parameters to be estimated you will have to use Chow 's second test failure .
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