Example sentences of "[pron] become [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Living in San'a , I was initially engrossed in the visual aspects of the architecture , but as I became involved with the Yemeni families , I started to record as accurately as possible all aspects of the traditional San'a culture that was rapidly being swallowed up by Western influence .
2 I became obsessed with the whole idea and spent an enormous amount of time researching it .
3 By half-term I weighed seven stone nine pounds , and I suspect it was only then that I became weight-conscious in the literal sense .
4 As I fiddled frantically with buttons that would n't depress and a monopod that would n't telescope downwards so I could actually see what professional fingers find in the dark , I became aware of the incredulous stare of a Japanese with an even bigger lens than mine .
5 It was just around this stage that I became aware of the first footman beside me , who whispered : ‘ Miss Kenton would like a word with you , sir .
6 It was not until thirty years after Anselm that Archbishop Theobald began to build up an administrative staff necessary for the dual organization of ecclesiastical and secular affairs along the lines which became familiar in the later Middle Ages .
7 The term is generally taken to denote that section of the educated élite — an élite deliberately nurtured by the tsarist regime to man the civil and military establishment — which became critical of the existing order .
8 With Cranage 's resignation in 1928 , the links with the tradition of university extension on a national scale at Cambridge were gradually replaced by new opportunities for regional development which became available under the 1924 and , later , the 1932 Adult Education Regulations .
9 These high mean ages at onset and the absence of difference in uptake between hypertensives and controls reflect the history of oral contraception , which became available in the early 1960s and made rapid progress in this village , with our support .
10 Perhaps their own style , which became dominant in the twentieth century , did not emerge as such until sciences moved into the phase of theory and systematising which ( for rather obscure reasons ) suited them admirably .
11 Ethiopia , where the monarchy was overthrown in 1974 , inaugurated a People 's Democratic Republic in 1987 under the leadership of the Workers ' Party of Ethiopia ; Mozambique , which became independent in 1975 , was headed by a liberation movement of broadly Marxist orientation ; and Angola , which became independent in the same year , was governed by the Marxist MPLA-PT ( all three countries concluded friendship treaties with the USSR in the 1970s ) .
12 For this reason there has been a great effort , over the years , to develop synthetic resin glues based , more or less , on the plastics which became popular in the 1930s .
13 Graphite mining was another industry which became important in the second half of the nineteenth century .
14 Thus the more restrictive approach coincided with increased expressed need by black parents , and began to highlight issues about ‘ race ’ and child care , which became important in the 1980s .
15 By ‘ thought ’ , however , Pascal does not mean that somewhat shallow notion of Reason which became fashionable in the eighteenth century and which has become fashionable again in the twentieth in the guise of formal logic .
16 At Boxmoor a sophisticated " cantharus , which shows few , if any , stylistic parallels in Romano-British mosaic , is notable ( in this mosaic , " angle pieces ' are also conspicuous however , and should be noted as possible precursors of the " L " shapes which become prominent in the residual lozenge patterns of the late-second century ; see appendix E ) .
17 First , because ( as the social surveys which become available from the late 1880s make clear ) the poor workers — who formed almost 40 per cent of the London working class — hardly enjoyed the ‘ barest decencies of existence ’ , even by the austere standards then applied to the lower orders .
18 Merton for example discusses the social role of the intellectual in public bureaucracy — the ‘ technological ’ wing of social science where the social function of the individual introduces a bias which becomes apparent to the objective scientist .
19 Prices tend to be omitted from publishers ' catalogues ( or given in a separate leaflet which becomes detached from the main catalogue ) .
20 Much of it was part of large estates owned by members of the landed aristocracy , who became aware of the potential wealth beneath their holdings .
21 In northern Europe , however , factors such as population growth , urbanisation and industrialisation during the latter half of the nineteenth century produced a gradual change of heart , although the initial move towards the idea of protecting natural wilderness was encouraged primarily by European sportsmen who became concerned by the diminishing herds of game animals in the colonies ( MacKenzie , 1989 ) .
22 ‘ I sometimes wonder why you became involved in the first place . ’
23 ‘ Yes , you became ill in the red room , but you 'll get better , do n't worry , Miss Jane , ’ she answered .
24 Now erm was it through this union activity you became interested in the Labour Party ?
25 But , in the summerhouse , she became dissatisfied with the slow growth of clay .
26 By the early 1640s she had moved to London and begun a religious quest in pursuit of whose ends she became involved with the first Quakers in 1654 .
27 After a short period working with a girls ' club in Lambeth ( an LMH settlement ) , she became involved in the non-militant suffrage movement .
28 With twelve children to her credit , she became pregnant for the thirteenth time by a British soldier .
29 When she became pregnant for the third time she was given an amniocentesis , the only form of testing available at that time .
30 About 18 months ago , she became aware of the successful development of sales of the product in Germany and Sweden and began her project which now hinges on a decision to be made by Perth and Kinross District council today .
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