Example sentences of "[art] [indef pn] [pers pn] 've [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The one we 've been waiting for ever since we found the Worm . ’
2 That 's the one I 've been looking for !
3 ‘ The niece , the one I 've been telling you about .
4 The one I 've been telling you all about . ’
5 But do ask when you get back to the branch , because it samples claims that Abbey has , have had , erm , it reiterates the statistics that you 've just heard , the likelihood of somebody suffering with cancer , heart attacks , strokes etcetera , it er , gives you the ages er , if you choose , write in statistics , the one you 've been listening to .
6 The one you 've been looking for for ages ?
7 Everything they have in that shop is better than the one you 've been wearing for ten years .
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