Example sentences of "[art] [det] [be] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is a matter of personal conscience and what every member in the council chamber today must be aware of , is that there is a vociferous and committed group of people we know that because we 've all had a great deal of communication from them and interestingly enough I have and most of the communication I 've had has been in favour so victory , people who write must be extremely perceptive in , with er marketing the that 's not the point , we all know that there is a committed and vociferous group of people whose consciences do not lead them to the same conclusions as Mr 's conscience and the issue really is , do we in a liberal and democratic society have the right to impose our consciences on those of other people who live in the community and quite clearly and quite determinedly take a different view .
2 The former is basically a source of revenue , while the latter is overwhelmingly a source of expenditure .
3 The latter is usually the syndicate leader bank which handles interest and loan amortisation payments .
4 The latter was properly the business of epistemology and to be excluded from the scientific practice of sociology .
5 The latter was not a goal which Laura espoused , nor was she comfortable working in such a formal setting .
6 The latter was probably a garden escape , and is not found wild in V.C. 110 today .
7 The latter was particularly the case with assistants allocated to named children with special educational needs in mainstream classes .
8 The latter was everywhere a cause of severe poverty .
9 He was a follower of William Pitt and an acquaintance of Dr. Samuel Johnson ; he advised his son , Samuel the Younger , while the latter was still an undergraduate , that ‘ the respectable way to get into Parliament was by invitation , not by contention ’ .
10 The former is not a contract for the sale of specific goods ; whereas , if the seller has just 12 bottles of port in stock , the latter is a contract for the sale of specific goods .
11 Whether the diversity depicted above is reflected in the presence of two tests , rational basis and rightness , or whether we should simply work through the former is largely a matter of semantics .
12 The former is probably the case in the following : ( 71 ) When Agamemnon dares bring his concubine , the prophetess Cassandra , home from Troy , Clytemnestra kills them both and exults in full-bodied fury unfit for prudish ears .
13 The former is basically a source of revenue , while the latter is overwhelmingly a source of expenditure .
14 The same is not the case in the Republic of Ireland with plans already activated to provide proper links to ports .
15 You know all the psychiatrists will tell you that comedy is a kind of biological mechanism to save us from all the things we fear most , death being one of the , you know , the most is just a spit away you see .
16 Well we still need a that 's not the sort of jelly you like .
17 No that was n't an that was n't an option .
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