Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] were [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The defences were increased by a million metres of barbed wire and extensive minefields in 1912 .
2 The accounts were audited by the NAO and the C & AG gave his opinion on — or certified — each one .
3 Although the accounts were handled by a well-known firm , there were in addition a mountain of wage packets and simple book-keeping to be handled .
4 The accounts were approved by the Board of Directors on 8th June 1993 and signed on its behalf by : R K A Wakeling Directors J N Sheldrick
5 The programmes were banned by the government in 1963 .
6 Only such lesser functionaries as the pursuivants were appointed by the Lord President .
7 Over 1,400 of the occupiers were arrested by the National Guard , and kept in prison for two weeks , treatment which in itself won them considerable sympathy .
8 This strategy was to devote 20% of the fund to buying futures when they were underpriced by a specified amount , and closing out these futures positions when the futures were overpriced by the same amount .
9 In later rastrellamenti the Germans were helped by the Mongols , who were acclimatized to the winter cold .
10 The debts were accumulated by the knock-on effects of the recession , explained chairman and managing director Keith Winser .
11 Admittedly the notes were signed by the appellant and not disputed but the evidence was necessary to link him with the assault .
12 The houses were subdivided by the Jews and then subdivided again by the Bengalis .
13 But two refinements to the plans were indicated by the 35 council members and the game 's executive body are to meet on Tuesday December 15 to consider the club representatives requests .
14 The plans were prompted by the decision of Sainsbury , the supermarket company , to build a 75,000 sq ft food store on an adjacent site in the city 's Craigleith area .
15 ‘ Paramedics would be used , field hospitals set up at the scene if necessary , helicopters from Whitechapel would fly out casualties , ’ added Mr Whitehead who said a triangle of hospitals would deal with the injured and all the plans were agreed by the airport 's consultative committee .
16 Although opposition figures regarded the ruling as a major success , the releases were overshadowed by a tour of the country during September and early October by a royal commission which held public meetings on constitutional reforms .
17 The proposals were appraised by the relevant ITAB and Engineering Board committees .
18 The proposals were opposed by the non-WEU countries ( in particular neutral Ireland ) and by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands which were concerned about Europe 's relations with the United States .
19 The Deputy Prime Minister responsible for legislative affairs , Pavel Rychetsky , maintained that the proposals were justified by the need to protect democracy .
20 The proposals were described by the Financial Times of May 4 as " greatly complicat[ing] " already difficult negotiations .
21 The proposals were approved by the majority Labour councillors on the committee .
22 The proposals were welcomed by the Secretaries of State for the Environment and Trade and Industry , Michael Heseltine and Peter Lilley .
23 The Russians were opposed by the Fourth Austro-Hungarian Army ( Archduke Joseph Ferdinand ) just south of the Pripet Marshes with , on its right , the First Army ( von Brlog ) .
24 To control for primacy effects , approximately half of the cases were interviewed by the research psychiatrist before the team assessment , and the remainder afterwards .
25 The imprecise messages also suggested the bombs were planted by the same cell which targeted north London last week .
26 The minutes were written by the chairman in his own hand ; in Whitbread 's case , this did not enhance their legibility .
27 The operations were organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross .
28 ‘ But you must agree that the footprints were made by a living creature , not a ghost ? ’
29 The House of Lords held that the cause of action accrued at vesting date , even though the appellants could not have proved the moneys were held by the respondents as authorised undertakers until the minister so decided .
30 The Hebrews were influenced by the Sumerians and Babylonians in other ways too , including the measurement of time .
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