Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] and [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Henry O'Bree was depressed about the exams and left behind a suicide note .
2 The report considers which level of geographical unit is most suited to analysing regional problems in the Community from the three levels defined in the mid-1970s and subsumed under the French acronym , NUTS levels I , II and III .
3 No debt of the Business which may be owing at Completion is overdue by more than eight weeks and the amount of such debts ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the Accounts and disclosed in the Disclosure Letter ) will be recoverable in full in the ordinary course of business and in any event not later than eight weeks after Completion and none of the said debts is subject to any counter-claim or set-off except to the extent of any such provision or reserve .
4 A target of 20 kilograms per hectare a year has been proposed by the Canadians and backed by a number of scientists from the USA .
5 On Sept. 12 the Revolutionary Justice Organization ( RJO ) in Beirut made its first formal announcement that it was holding British hostage Jackie Mann , kidnapped in Beirut in May 1989 [ see p. 36671 ] , while Islamic Jihad issued a statement welcoming the releases and accompanied by a photograph of United States hostage , Terry Anderson .
6 While the Romans were dusting themselves down and rearranging their feathers and mini-skirts , the lurking Brits emerged from the woods and advanced in a rabble brandishing their rolling pins .
7 He knew the feeling of old — operating outside the rules and hidden from the surveillance of his superiors .
8 Thus , too , the " " complyn " " in this passage , the last service of the monastic day , matches the " " laudes " " sung out by the bells and sung by the friars in Oxford as Nicholas and Alison consummate their passion .
9 Another small farm was shown me as the place where the mother of a young baby had forgotten to place the poker over its cradle : as a consequence the child , unprotected by iron , had been stolen by the fairies and replaced by a ‘ changeling ’ .
10 My real favourite became mahala , a very thin pancake about twelve to eighteen inches across which is torn into pieces with the fingers and dipped into a mixture of honey and butter .
11 Gould resigned from the service of the Zoological Society but agreed to act as a ‘ corresponding Member ’ , so that his letters and discoveries could be read aloud at the meetings and published in the proceedings .
12 Defeat for the Welsh All Blacks , particularly at the fortress that is The Gnoll , is a rare occurrence , hated by the players , frowned upon by the coaches and detested by the increasing army of fans who continue to pack the ground .
13 Birds chattered among the vegetables and splashed in the water .
14 On Tuesday 14 June , " representatives of the girls in the composing department of the printing trade , attended to address our [ i.e. WFL ] members " , and on 25 August a deputation went to see the employers and called for a Board of Trade enquiry .
15 Like a sea-anemone it will close down to a blob if touched , and it feeds on small organisms which brush past its tentacles , by shooting out special poisonous threads to paralyse its victim , which can then be collected by the tentacles and drawn into the hydra 's mouth .
16 Usually , this is granted to publications written by the clergy and approved by the church — in our case , it was awarded for services to the lesbian and gay community , and for generally being a good magazine .
17 Early one morning they tied their stripy woven bags of Tibetan salt on to the yaks and left for the south .
18 ‘ We 'll go round past the stables and cut across the fields , ’ he told her .
19 The local authority appealed against that part of the order by which the justices purported to direct that the guardian ad litem be allowed to have continued involvement with L. on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had no jurisdiction to attach a condition to the care order which had been agreed by the parties and approved by the justices ; ( 2 ) in the alternative , the justices had no jurisdiction to make the direction , because ( i ) it had the effect of fettering the discretion of the local authority in the exercise of its functions under section 33 of the Children Act 1989 , and ( ii ) the justices had no power to order the guardian ad litem to ‘ have continued involvement ’ once the proceedings had been concluded by the making of an order under section 41 of the Children Act 1989 ; and ( 3 ) the justices had no jurisdiction to make a direction which anticipated a further application before the court , the justices power to give directions in respect of future applications being confined to a prohibition of further specified applications under section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989 .
20 He failed to do all he could for the Jews and socialised with the Nazis too easily for the Poles ' liking .
21 But despite this slight shift in the taboos , as late as the 1920s Havelock Ellis and Albert Moll were still able to recommend little metal suits of armour fitted over the genitals and attached to a locked belt as prophylaxis for masturbation , and sex education books continued to inveigh against the solitary vice well into the second half of the century .
22 The excavations on Santorin are far from complete , but already some of the wall paintings that have been recovered from the ruins and preserved in the museum at Athens have been ranked as amongst the most important artistic discoveries of the century .
23 The hydrogen gas would be collected within the galls and piped to a central storage system .
24 Failing such information or evidence being furnished the Directors may give the person from whom the information or evidence required notice that , if the information or evidence in question is not furnished within such periods as may be determined by the Directors and stated in the notice , the Directors may refuse to register the transfer in question or ( in case no transfer is in question ) may require that a Transfer Notice be given in respect of the Shares concerned .
25 Failing such information or evidence being furnished the Directors may give the person from whom the information or evidence required notice that , if the information or evidence in question is not furnished within such periods as may be determined by the Directors and stated in the notice , the Directors may refuse to register the transfer in question or ( in case no transfer is in question ) may require that a Transfer Notice be given in respect of the Shares concerned .
26 Dividends , which are what the shareholder is paid for the use of his money , are recommended by the directors and authorized by the annual general meeting of shareholders .
27 Dividends , which are what the shareholder is paid for the use of his money , are recommended by the directors and authorized by the annual general meeting of shareholders .
28 The first decisive blow struck by the Venetians was in AD 1000 , when the doge , Pietro Orseolo II , defeated the Croats and advanced to the mouth of the Neretva , where his fleet destroyed the nest of pirates , the Neretljani , who menaced the shipping routes in the southern Adriatic .
29 Instead there has been something of a supermarket approach : according to the interests of the teacher a number of packages have been bought off the shelves and put in the course trolley .
30 The decision to ‘ choose ’ , or not to ‘ choose ’ will be taken away from the parents and left to an ad-hoc committee of neighbours .
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