Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] that [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But first , bearing all these matters in mind , let us return to consider the activities that come under the heading of social research .
2 Real accounts — these are the accounts that deal with the assets or property of the business , e.g. fixtures and fittings ; kitchen equipment ; office equipment ; freehold premises .
3 Richard Pryor ( who was never given another chance to explore this side of his acting ability ) , Yaphet Kotto and Harvey Keitel star as the workers who attempt to break the chains that bind with a break-in at their corrupt union 's headquarters .
4 These latter awards will comprise groups of units containing the competences that emerge from the work of Industry Lead Bodies .
5 The , the back of the calendar card , the notes that make on the back of the calendar card , will be in sequential order , presumably .
6 We have a vetting panel which looks at all the vacancies that arise within the City Council , and decides whether it really is necessary to fill the job , or whether we can actually erm reorganize things and deliver the service with fewer people , so we are very conscious of the need to make sure that
7 Where there is no express agreement , non-members are bound by rules or resolutions made under the rules that relate to the mode of business on the exchange .
8 Limiting oneself to just the products that run on the standard graphics card , be it colour or monochrome , reduces the options to a mere handful .
9 The purpose of an experiment in fluid mechanics may range from direct verification of a theory ( as in Figs. 11.2 , 15.12 and 17.19 ) to a general exploration of the phenomena that occur in a given situation .
10 Realistic generalization is only possible , however , when there are good theories of the phenomena that occur in the real world .
11 If that promise had been promptly enforced — by putting a guard on the bridges over the Drina and Sava rivers , with aircraft to watch the roads that lead to the bridges — the size of the intervening soldiers ' task would have been sharply reduced .
12 Look at the adjectives that apply to the caterpillar:plump , thick , fat , cabbage-green , hairy , turquoise blue , spiky , leechlike .
13 As Ayer said , ‘ what is required to verify a statement about a material thing is never the occurrence of precisely this or precisely that sense-content , but only the occurrence of one or other of the sense-contents that fall within a fairly indefinite range ’ ( Ayer , 1946 , p. 12 ) .
14 The states that make up the contemporary Middle East are like beads on the ‘ masbaha ’ , or worry beads , so common in the region .
15 The world is a treasure house of free delights ; beyond music and poetry are painting and sculpture and these are only the arts ; the joys that come from the mystics compared to those from the arts are like seeing masterpieces instead of prints .
16 The ancestors of practically all the animals that live on the vast plains of western India originally came from the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East .
17 The conversation in Zuckerman Unbound between the novelist and his mother , in which he tenderly instructs her in how to field the intrusions that arise from the Carnovsky outrage , reads authentically , autobiographically , enough , while showing a good Jewish son .
18 Would they be pre-conflict borders , the borders on the map , Yugoslav internal federal borders , or the borders that exist after the conflict and the damage that took place during the capture of towns such as Osijek and Vukovar ?
19 In cases such as this substitutes to this ideal are used , such as electoral registers , lists of households , etc. , with the proviso that such lists , while convenient , may not include , for any number of reasons , all the units that belong to the population of the United Kingdom .
20 Big big quite a big priority there so and you know are obviously people that like them like the guidelines that come with the company like the ideas of belonging to the company and like the ideas of actually extolling the virtues of the company and following the company policy .
21 They are used to clarify the relationships that exist between the variables that influence the buying situation , and to predict the outcome of change to these variables .
22 The other is the words that come from the Pastor as he opens the bible to read .
23 There are a variety of exercises to check understanding at the back of each book and all the readers contain a picture dictionary , illustrating the words that appear in the stories .
24 He next moved on to the buying office , a very important department in a company such as Cadbury 's where the skilful purchase of the ingredients that go into the products can have a crucial impact on the viability of the business .
25 ‘ Roads , park , dispensary , institute , and so on — a hundred and twenty thousand pounds ; repairs and upkeep , recurring , four thousand … ’ and so on through all the elements that make for the running of a town , ending with the caution that it was ‘ all very round-figurey . ’
26 A very similar hormone , adrenaline , can also be generated by a pair of glands known as the adrenals that sit above the kidneys .
27 Reflexology is based on the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet that relate to every organ , gland and part of the body .
28 Technological advances might mean that we live in an artificial environment with respect to time-cues , but it is a rhythmic environment nevertheless , and our possession of a body clock means that all the advantages that come from the integration of biological and environmental rhythms apply equally to ourselves .
29 A distinction should be drawn first of all between limits on the discretion of the directors that result from the company 's objects clause , and limits that depend on fiduciary duties .
30 From our point of view the most important types of physical equilibria are phase equilibria — that is , the equilibria that exist between the phases of a system .
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