Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] i have been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Recently the coal measure type of cycle has been very plausibly explained in terms of climatically controlled ice-sheet surges , and we can very soon get lost in a multitude of explanations of the phenomena I have been discussing in this book .
2 Just just as a matter of interest , Graham , I was looking at the er , the rates yesterday , cos I 've been paying my mortgage over ten ye , over the last eleven years , and erm , bearing in mind the premiums I 've been paying before my endowments would have been er , er , you 'd expect to be more recent , because I was er , young
3 However , over the months I have been looking I have become increasing frustrated over the issue of VAT .
4 Same goes for about half the words I 've been learning from that little minx .
5 The images I 've been doing over the past few years are like great sculptures , the weather has been getting to them and they are crumbling , their faces have cracks in them .
6 The images I 've been doing over the past few years are like great sculptures , the weather has been getting to them and they are crumbling , their faces have cracks in them .
7 Although Eliot considered this idea a good one , especially in view of the articles I had been writing for the New English Weekly ( for example , ‘ Italy must Choose ; and ‘ An Open Letter to Ansaldo ’ , which Mairet had forwarded to the spokesman in question and also to the Vatican ) , he felt that such a book issued in time of war , would need official backing .
8 Erm erm and then he was going spare and he says these are the worst I 've ever received in all the years I 've been teaching , right ?
9 Well but I mean , Brian was saying himself you know he ca n't remember at least he 's says he 's been working down London when he has n't been earning a hundred pound a day you know , it 's something , we just accepted it , he said over the years I 've been earning a hundred pound a day he says , and that was it you know yo yo just do .
10 In all the years I had been watching him , he had , as far as I could tell , absolutely fuck-all interest in them .
11 My doubts have grown during the years I have been thinking about and then writing this book , but for the moment I will concede that for many scholars and teachers a clarion-call to defend ‘ literature as literature ’ would prove rousing and timely .
12 in all the years I have been keeping fish I have yet to suffer any form of disease or problems associated with feeding worms .
13 In all the years I have been practising , and among all the hypnotherapists whom I know or of whom I have read , I have never heard of any individual suffering any side-effects at all — except positive ones .
14 So I think we geologists should not be too bashful to theorise on the basis of purely geological evidence , and I can not avoid the conclusion that at least some of the enigmas I have been discussing may have an origin in the climate .
15 17 , in which wives became contractually bound in support of their husband 's debts but did not provide any security over their property , stand a little aloof from the principles I have been discussing .
16 And one of the reasons they all became interested at the same time was that a lot of them knew each other , and so one of the things I 've been looking at is the correspondence between Americans and British people , and the fact that they travelled and kept diaries of who they met in the other country , and they all swapped ideas on how to deal with this particular level of poverty .
17 I said oh I 'm not gon na give you my telephone number after the things I 've been hearing about you !
18 For example , one of the things I 've been doing today is submitting titles for Waterstones ’ summer reading promotion ; they are sponsoring a 32 page supplement in Elle , and are doing a run-on .
19 ‘ So do I ; it 's one of the things I 've been missing about Australia — that and the sun . ’
20 Each week he would sit me on his knee and , under the pretence of asking me about the things I 'd been doing at school , he would squeeze my thighs and waist .
21 We began by talking about food , but food quickly became boring and was replaced by feelings , the things I had been trying to stuff down with food .
22 As you know I 've er been holding a number of er small meetings with staff er and one of the questions I 've been asking is whether or not there has been a need for the building presentation that we 've done for a couple of years er and generally there was the view expressed that yes it was desirable but perhaps in a different format .
23 ‘ It will be a relief to have it out in the open and it will stop all the questions I have been getting about my future , ’ said the 21year-old Nottingham Forest player .
24 It will be convenient to mark the distinctions I have been drawing by means of certain semiotic terms .
25 They and others who employ what I term the ‘ autonomous ’ model of literacy appear , then , to believe that this model insulates them from the arguments I have been discussing .
26 Up to now the routes I 'd been climbing had hidden themselves in gullies or grooves .
27 And the players I 'd been working with previously went along with me , from using my modified equipment to using my custom-built equipment .
28 In this series I have been introducing twentieth-century martyrs to illustrate the points I have been making .
29 They 're the ones I 've been looking .
30 Anyway , one day at a time : tomorrow I go to Durham and , as Mother said ’ — she pursed her lips now — ‘ it will give me an opportunity to wear some of the clothes I have been spending my money on .
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