Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [was/were] [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Looking at it and the bleak shore of Flotta beyond , the memories came flooding back : pink gins before Sunday lunch at twopence a throw ; dressing up as Tartars and Eskimos and Bedouins for Tribal parties ; cinema shows where the reels were laced up in the wrong order ; darts competitions in the wardroom flat ; early winter morning torpedo firings in the Flow , very dark and cold ; walks to Longhope for fresh eggs , or fishing for sea-trout in the bay ; piping the admiral as we passed the headquarters ship and eased our way down to Switha Gate bound for distant waters , the captain on the compass platform with cap at an angle , elbows on hips and gloved hands turned upwards , Spider beside him puffing smoke through a black holder and advising courses to steer ; and then , as the ship adjusted herself to the roll and rhythm of the sea , a last flashing message from the signal station at Hoxa Head ( now vandalized and abandoned ) , as it would be the first on our return , days or weeks later .
2 For each site the coins were divided up into different periods and expressed as a percentage of the total number of coins recovered .
3 Up to half of the houses were boarded up in areas that were starving .
4 A report in the Sunday Times last week , confirming the Sunday Life story of July 11 , revealed the plans were drawn up as a result of an intelligence source in the IRA who said the organisation had developed a ‘ peace party ’ led by Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness .
5 It can be assumed that the proposals were drawn up by David Garrick .
6 However , as soon as they moved on to a more public and active presentation of their demands then councillors condemned this activity , the demands themselves were ignored , and the groups were held up to public ridicule as a threat to democracy and the general interest .
7 Such seems to have been the case on 25 February when eight of the Hurricanes were sent up after four aircraft reported as Do215s at 6,000 feet over the St. Paul 's Bay area .
8 As the last of the militiamen were swallowed up by the forest a great roar of delight rose from the gipsies and they crowded around Noah to congratulate him on the unexpected victory he had scored over the Burford magistrate .
9 The ponies were tied up in the shade to the branches of a row of gum trees which divided the two pitches .
10 Which is where everything starts to fuck up , because the moment we turn our attention to Herr Mayer he tells us that the money he used to pay the Iranians was put up by the son of a well-known local citizen . ’
11 The gangs were called up during the war .
12 On 26 December , 114 Lower Church Street and adjoining properties which had been leased to W. A. Reeves , the furnisher , since the offices were given up by the South Metropolitan Company , were sold to him .
13 The waves were whipped up like ice-cream and frothing like champagne and there was no one else out .
14 Last July , when recovery of the bronzes was taken up with Richard Luce , Minister for the Arts , an MP was told that Britain ‘ has existing channels for international co-operation to help trace stolen works of art ’ .
15 The refugees were picked up by a convoy of buses at the Austrian border .
16 The crews were split up by branches and areas , and whilst some nonchalantly lolled against the boom others were learning the intricacies of gybing , tacking , hoisting the sails , cleating the halliards , winching the sheets and playing the mainsail .
17 All the bills were picked up by a consortium of local banks and newspapers .
18 The tins were dug up by hungry residents of the capital for consumption or sale .
19 The protests were stepped up on Feb. 18 when over 700 Enver Hoxha University students and lecturers started a hunger strike .
20 In those days all the cutters were laid up on the trot piles in the river Hamble during the winter months .
21 The guests were put up in the Inter-Continental Hotel which overlooks the stretch of the Landwehr Canal into which the Freikorps threw the dead body of Rosa Luxembourg in 1919 .
22 With the Ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat , the seventeenth day of the seventh month and the waters went away and decreased until the tenth month and the first day of the tenth month , the tops of the mountains appeared , and after the end of forty days , Noah opened the window of the Ark , which he had made and sent forth a raven which went out , ever going and coming again until the waters were dried up upon the earth .
23 The scheme was carried out by the Agricultural Adjustment Administration ( AAA ) and the committees were set up at a local level with farmer representatives from the various areas of production , such as wheat , cotton , dairy produce , rice and tobacco .
24 The panels were built up from small components , enabling work to be subcontracted to a large number of small engineering firms without disrupting heavy engineering production .
25 I think that generally they came in because they liked the style erm they , they , usually had er , in their minds what they wanted and because they go round and see all these fittings at night , I mean our shop used to be all the fittings were lit up at night so that you could have a look in , erm it 's very confusing I think when you , you 've got an awful lot of fittings in , in , in a shop and , and all of them lit , decide which one 's gon na to be the best for your house , but I think most of them already had ideas what , what sort of fitting they wanted and of course we used to do a great deal of
26 I made contact , and the arrangements were firmed up over the next week .
27 The bodies were washed up on a beach about four miles from where they are presumed to have been murdered . ’
28 These factors were : ( 1 ) its organisation which acquired the films and the exclusive overseas rights therein was in Hong Kong ; ( 2 ) its sales organisation was in Hong Kong ; ( 3 ) the representatives who were sent abroad were part of the Hong Kong sales organisation ; ( 4 ) the sub-licences were drawn up in Hong Kong , according to Hong Kong law , and were dispatched from Hong Kong ; ( 5 ) the films were either delivered in or dispatched from Hong Kong ; ( 6 ) the films at the expiry of the sub-licence period had to be returned to Hong Kong or were destroyed ; and ( 7 ) payments for the grant of the sub-licences were received in Hong Kong .
29 The follow up varied from 41 to 180 days , and because the trial was stopped only 48% of the patients were followed up for six months .
30 The patients were followed up over the one week period of the challenge and , for longterm tolerance ; they were seen one month later .
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