Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [be] give [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This is best explained by referring again to the character lattice from chapter 1 ( fig 4.8 ) where the ranks are given beneath the character candidates .
2 And , speaking just hours before the Budget , he warned that confusion in the signals being given by the Chancellor in his handling of economic policy would damage the ‘ fragile confidence ’ now emerging .
3 During negotiations , Newco should try to avoid any general qualification that the warranties are given to the best of the vendors ' knowledge , as this could be interpreted to the effect that a vendor giving a warranty subject to this qualification has relied on the information given to him by management , and again distances the vendor from the risk .
4 The proceeds were given to the Croydon branch of the Infantile Paralysis Fellowship , the fare being 5 shillings .
5 Earlier in the year the awards were given to the winners of the Swan Stabilo/Arguati Disappearing Britain competition .
6 A form of application for leave to deliver interrogatories is given in Atkin 's Court Forms , second edn , 1980 , vol 22 p 492 and examples illustrating the principles are given in the The Supreme Court Practice at 26/¼ et seq .
7 Further notes on some of the questions are given after the list .
8 The details of the changes were given in the announcements , but in summary this now means that for members of Schedule II —
9 The powers were given in The Local Government Act 1988 , which enables the auditor to issue a prohibition order which , subject to a right of appeal to the courts , precludes the authority from implementing such a decision .
10 Each unit is written in a readable and detailed style , and every chapter ends with a ‘ chapter challenge ’ , which includes key points covering important concepts in the chapter and multiple-choice questions , for which the answers are given at the back of the book .
11 ( The answers are given at the end of the chapter . )
12 ‘ And the girls were given to the priests by their families when they were ten or eleven years old . ’
13 In this part the instructions are given before the question or the problem is set .
14 These were some of the instructions being given by the polemaster to the men on the ropes as the two ton pole began to shift .
15 Most often only the problems of the children were given as the significant handicaps to placement .
16 When the signals involved are of low-enough frequency for reactive and other frequency-dependent effects to be negligible , the Z-parameters are given by the slopes of appropriate static characteristics at the operating bias levels .
17 The total number of maxillae present in the samples are given in the appendix .
18 The suspension of Mrs Kemp for over a year with no reasons being given by the local authority , caused grave misgivings in Orkney .
19 No reasons were given for the dismissals .
20 No guidelines are given for the interpretation of s8 except that the term to be included must have been a fair and reasonable one having regard to the circumstances which were , or ought reasonably to have been , known to or in the contemplation of , the parties when the contract was made ( s11(1) ) .
21 As I have already remarked , no details are given of the other party or parties to the transactions entered into by these investors .
22 Fretter and Graham ( 1962 ) quote figures that suggest a rate of boring into limpet ( Patella ) shells of 0.175 mm per hour but no details are given of the relative sizes of predator and prey , or of the temperature .
23 No details were given about the content of the comments , unlike those of the previous consultation on the PREPP recommendations , but it is known that while the community proposals had the broad backing of nursing unions and organisations , all had some reservations , and these have not been addressed .
24 No details were given of the glycaemic control or other metabolic parameters of the two groups of diabetics studied ( Davis et al , 1982 ) , and it is difficult to account for these findings .
25 No details were given of the date of execution .
26 No details were given to the National Union or to the constituencies involved , so much hard work had to be done and much recrimination endured before the party could settle down to the campaign .
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