Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [prep] the second [noun] " in BNC.

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1 First , one firm may make a takeover bid for the other by offering to buy out the shareholders of the second firm .
2 The Home Army had fought against the Germans in the second World War .
3 It had been redecorated in Baroque style in the eighteenth century , but its Medieval character had been retained until it was wantonly destroyed by order of the Germans in the Second World War .
4 Although Gould had wound up two of his principal publications by the time he left England — the concluding part 22 of Birds of Europe was scheduled for July 1837 , and the third and final part of the Trogons appeared on or before 14 March 1838 — Prince was charged with seeing to the publicity and the production of the plates for Darwin 's Zoology of the Beagle , and the printing and colouring of the illustrations for the second part of Icones Avium on the species of Caprimulgidae , or goatsuckers .
5 The match was marred by first-half fighting and 15 penalties against the Lions in the second half .
6 The parallels with the second half of the England game were incredible , ’ he said .
7 the products of the second process cause a reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrate and other compounds .
8 It was one of the tragedies of the Second Empire that Napoleon III and Eugénie who were fond , perhaps over-fond , parents whose joy lay in their child , should be remembered not for their family virtues but for their public ‘ vices ’ — real or supposed .
9 A German visitor lost his in the silence of a British Rail first-class compartment and uncoupled the coach as a gesture of solidarity with the plebs in the second class .
10 SNI expects to release the boxes , which run the SNI version of SVR4 Sinix , in the states in the second half the year .
11 Then it showed two of the coaches of the second train sprawled across the track .
12 The imaginary war , at least for the first 20 years after the war , reproduced the solutions of the second world war .
13 Before presenting the subjects with the lists for the second time , the researchers asked them to recall the words .
14 This meant that the magma that fed the fissures of the second phase was almost completely de-gassed , hence its quiet emission .
15 Normally courses in three subjects are taken in the first year and , commonly , these are followed by second courses in at least two of the subjects in the second year .
16 The art of Gallienus ' reign recalled happier days under the emperors of the second century AD .
17 Francis Maginn , who was one of the speakers on the second evening , which was devoted to the subject " The Deaf in Society , was impressed by the organisation of the Congress and by the quality of some of the delegations .
18 The two Echo trophies for the League champions ( Prenton , holders ) and the winners of the Second Division ( Upton-by-Chester ) will also be presented .
19 Gabriel suddenly remembered the words of the second verse , and breathed in to begin it .
20 Could I please draw attention er you already chairman have , but it 's important from where I stand to draw attention to the words of the second criterion of the P P G. Which says that the proposal is a clear expression of local preference supported by the local planning authorities .
21 The words in the second pair of square brackets in sub-section two B were substituted by the Courts Act nineteen seventy one , section three , subsection five .
22 Under emergency procedure I put in the words in the second line , after having made every reasonable effort to consult with the chief executive .
23 They could still manage Abends , wenn wir schlafen gehen , taught them by the nuns as a party piece , and then , indeed , they sounded like angels , though angels without much grasp of the words after the second line .
24 With a circuit to race Nick The Brief was pulled up , and though Desert Orchid continued to dispute the lead with Ten Of Spades as the runners went away from the stands for the second circuit Toby Tobias and Norton 's Coin were making noticeable progress through the field .
25 Erm , we hear a lot about the holocaust that happened to the Jews in the second world war but not so many people know a lot about the holocaust that has happened to women over centuries and centuries where millions of women were burnt as witches , but er , just because they were women !
26 A new product release , for example , might be angled for the consumer media along the lines of the second release given above for Brand A. But for the retail trade press much more emphasis will need to be given to discounts , special promotions and advertising — in fact , full details of what 's in it for the retailer .
27 Prison sources say that while many warders work at Crumlin Road , only a few would have access to the keys for the second B wing landing which were smuggled out .
28 At least one Massaliote in the service of the Ptolemies in the second century B.C. has a name , Cinto , probably of Celtic origin ( U. Wilcken , Zeitschr. f .
29 At this point the effects of his negligence were overtaken by the effects of the second tort ( the armed robbery ) .
30 Many industries had suffered from a lack of investment during the depression in the 1930s and had been further weakened by the effects of the Second World War .
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