Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun pl] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was evident in press coverage of the activities of women protesters outside the American air base at Greenham Common .
2 Before entering into a discussion of the reasons for the decline of the organized networks , and of the patterns of cattle theft in the first half of the twentieth century , 1 shall first discuss in some detail the administrative policies which affected cattle stealing in its heyday .
3 Ministers relaxed the guidelines on the exports of arms equipment to Iraq , but kept the new policy secret , to avoid criticism .
4 Thus , for example , if one wanted to study the reactions of women readers of romantic novels to a change in the cover design of a series of books , a group of , say , eight women of varying ages and social classes could be got together either in a house or in a discussion room at a research agency and a trained discussion leader would ask questions of them about their reading interests and , generally speaking , what they expect romantic novels to look like .
5 It is possible that there will be more than one round of interviews , but this simply introduces the repetition of some of the above activities The verdicts of interviewing panels must be recorded and where necessary reconciled with the preferences of applicants Offers of employment must be sent out including contracts Once these ( or alternatives ) have been accepted , rejection letters will be sent out .
6 Add the following numbers to the values of Genes I to 9 , respectively : -2,2,2 , -2,2,0 , -4 , - I , l .
7 There was an underlying tension between curricular objectives which derived from traditions and conditions in capitalist and highly individualist societies and the goals of governments intent on imposing the discipline they considered necessary for nation building .
8 The geneticist 's language is no more nor less metaphorical when he calls the gene selfish than when he depicts it as though itself working out the solutions in games theory by which he is explaining its survival .
9 One ingenious method was the fishometer ; a gadget fitted to the rods of fishermen fishing for big game species such as marlin .
10 The quantitative analysis of the impacts of incomes policy on economic activity
11 It was reported on April 10 that the heads of customs services of nine CIS member states had agreed that no duties would be paid on cargoes within the CIS .
12 The Gentlemen v. Players match of 1900 was an extraordinary game , the Players being set 502 to win and getting them .
13 The guidelines for aggregates provision in the North Wales region under MPG6 indicates that while the proportion of supply from primary sources will decline from over 90% at present to around 20% in 2011 ( still requiring an absolute increase of over 4 million tonnes per annum to meet rising demand ) , the supply from secondary and recycled sources is expected to increase from 10% to over 70% during this period .
14 The guidelines for aggregates provision in the South Wales region under MPG6 indicates that while the proportion of supply met from primary land sources will decline from 65% to about 45% over the period from 1991 to 2011 ( although requiring an absolute increase of up to 4 million tonnes per annum to meet rising demand ) , coastal super quarries are anticipated to supply almost 30% of demand during the last five years of this period .
15 The guidelines for aggregates provision in the North Wales region under MPG6 indicates that while the proportion of supply from primary sources will decline from over 90% at present to around 20% in 2011 ( still requiring an absolute increase of over 4 million tonnes per annum to meet rising demand ) , the supply from secondary and recycled sources is expected to increase from 10% to over 70% during this period .
16 The guidelines for aggregates provision in the South Wales region under MPG6 indicates that while the proportion of supply met from primary land sources will decline from 65% to about 45% over the period from 1991 to 2011 ( although requiring an absolute increase of up to 4 million tonnes per annum to meet rising demand ) , coastal super quarries are anticipated to supply almost 30% of demand during the last five years of this period .
17 Sometimes the rags to riches progress of a dish is reversed .
18 The rags to riches tale of the holiday camp king .
19 A further development of this pattern of interrelated panels and committees is provided by the Boards of Studies system at the Ahmadu Bello Institute of Education .
20 The targets for Companies House for the two years to April 1991 were as follows ( Cm. 1261 ) :
21 It is surprising that the Institute did not address the needs of accounts users in more depth .
22 To ensure that the benefits of IT are maximised it is necessary to specify , at the beginning of each project , the quality of the information system in terms of parameters such as : social acceptability relevance to the needs of clients friendliness to the user reliability modifiability robustness efficiency .
23 A few years ago you wrote about the merits of sarkandas reed as a waggler material .
24 Reiner reviews the studies on police typifications of the public and he focuses on seven which are identified in the literature — ‘ goad-class villains ’ , people so powerless that they are ‘ police property ’ , the ‘ rubbish ’ , ‘ challengers ’ , ‘ disarmers ’ , ‘ do-gooders ’ , and ‘ politicians ’ ( 1985 : 94–7 ) .
25 One GRIST coordinator , whilst pointing to the need to develop a more sophisticated understanding in teachers ' responses to their INSET needs , exemplified the difficulties of arts education by quoting a survey carried out by one LEA into teachers ' views of their own INSET needs .
26 Our choice of ‘ aware ’ , as a philosophically uncorrupted word which can help us to approach philosophical problems from a different angle , does have something to do with its recent currency in the valuations of ordinary discourse , as when someone is said to apply abstract principles without being aware of other people as persons , or to have lost by too exclusive concentration on the uses of things awareness of the colours of dawn and the scent of the flowers .
27 Possibly chimeric YACs ( eg 9d8y ) are indicated by the clusters of positives way from the main diagonal .
28 The service offers an out-of-hours emergency call-out service to the patients of GPs practices on Teesside .
29 A similar relationship holds between the prices of futures contracts with different delivery months : where P f 1 = current price of futures contract with delivery in year T 1 , P f 2 = current price of futures contract with delivery in year T 2 ( T 1 < T 2 ) .
30 In the villages without supplies water for all domestic purposes is fetched from springs , from wells and in a few cases from streams .
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