Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] for [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed surprisingly hot in the carriage for the time of year .
2 Despite the entry for a time of media conglomerates such as the Mirror Group and Thomsons into the West African press , I think it is still fair to say that the primary motivation for producing a newspaper in Nigeria is political rather than commercial .
3 We know that Wilson married , for his wife Mary helped him and continued the business for a time after his death , but nothing is known of her origins or ultimate fate .
4 The Board of Deputies of British Jews managed to infiltrate a reliable agent into the IFL for a time in 1937 and his information provides a fascinating glimpse of its workings .
5 For the non-obese patients , simply reducing the intake of refined carbohydrate may control the diabetes for a time at least .
6 She recalled the Italian prisoners-of-war in their unsoldierly uniforms who had worked on the estate for a time towards the end of the war ; she made civil mention of another of Leon 's countrymen who had sold ice-cream on Norwich market when she was a girl .
7 Er I , I was a messenger for a time for the er , we lived in Lane and I was a messenger for a time with the erm A R P headquarters in Drive , now when my uncle got married and he had two children and I 'd , they were issuing gas masks and I had to go down and fetch a gas mask for his daughter and they were great big ones that used to envelope the whole babies with a bellows on the side that the mothers used to have to pump when they were in them , thank goodness we never had to use them and erm
8 Er I , I was a messenger for a time for the er , we lived in Lane and I was a messenger for a time with the erm A R P headquarters in Drive , now when my uncle got married and he had two children and I 'd , they were issuing gas masks and I had to go down and fetch a gas mask for his daughter and they were great big ones that used to envelope the whole babies with a bellows on the side that the mothers used to have to pump when they were in them , thank goodness we never had to use them and erm
9 On top of that you 've got no alibi for the time of the murders . ’
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