Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] go down [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A BR spokeswoman said : ‘ The gang went down the train smashing windows and light bulbs and scaring the passengers .
2 Today it was closed but the delightfully cold ice-cream from the small shop at the entrance went down a treat .
3 It will typically take several hours for the car to go down the line , hundreds of workers will be directly involved in fitting the various bits and pieces , and each will have a cycle time of perhaps 60 seconds to do their allotted task .
4 While the deal goes down the rest of them wait next door .
5 We keep our trainees hard at it and even when the sun goes down the programme continues .
6 Hopefully much will be computerised like the FAA 's at present , where the form and the ECG go down the phone line to America .
7 Half five in a morning , with the rain going down the back of your bleeding neck , the police set upon you by the owner and the manager , eh , that 'd liven 'em up .
8 So for the the water to go down the current to flow through .
9 ‘ It is an elevated green , so I did n't actually see the ball go down the hole , ’ he told BPXpress .
10 ‘ Barmen all over the world acquired a fair percentage of my money , ’ Jimmy regrets ‘ And the rest went down the plughole with various business ventures . ’
11 Er you ca n't imagine this I do n't suppose , but nevertheless it 's true and in a time , the men in the shop they was mass-production , you know what I mean and they wanted this or that or the other , well I had the authority to go down the machine shop and tell them , look here , so and so wants this you do that .
12 These Chelsea-supporting , three-minute Johnnies have been taking the piss out of ordinary folk for too long , indulging their libidos at our nation 's expense , laughing while communities crumble , hospitals are shut and the economy goes down the pan . ’
13 You mentioned that there 's a great degree of toughness since 1979 on Treasury targets and public expenditure , and the word goes down the line and there 's no argument .
14 ‘ One of these stations is located about every 70 kms to boost pressure as the oil goes down the pipeline , en route to the export terminals on the Black Sea and the Baltic — a distance of at least 2,000 kilometres from Western Siberia . ’
15 That was by that was by normal recruits but it still happens it , actually the the bullying goes down the line .
16 If we 're talking about using this sy er type of system for running mission critical systems where if the database goes down the business stops running and starts losing money , then we need to be able to run twenty four hours a day seven days a week .
17 Despite subtitles which obviously struggle to get the profane poetry of Tarantino 's script , the film goes down a storm with the festival audience , though the torture does send some people scurrying for the door , among them one Wes Craven , director of the first Elm Street movie and much else .
18 The loco went down the embankment taking some of the tanks with it , and the wreckage together with trees standing in the field were enveloped in flames which took several hours to extinguish .
19 Anyone with chest pains should also go to the doctor , especially if the pain goes down the arm .
20 Lessons on what it 's like to be a European went down a treat with the pupils of a rural Ulster primary school last week .
21 I ai n't got no inclination to go down the town
22 After making the running for the first circuit , he let Royal Cedar take a breather going down the back for the last time , with Seagram and Durham Edition leading him down the hill .
23 There 's a path goes down a slope .
24 So everybody have document and hit shift F ten and they 're on page nine now if we go , hold down the alt key and type B and you 'll just see er a shimmer go down the screen an then you do n't actually see anything , but if you alt U , everything appears underlined alt K converts everything into small capitals alt S , strikes through everything and alt I italicizes all the words .
25 He said nothing more , and his silence played across her taut nerves like a fingernail going down a blackboard .
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