Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] to a new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They 've been encouraged by the response to a new artist 's impression of a man seen in the village .
2 The variable z is activated whenever a threshold value of x is exceeded , and the activation of z leads to a reinjection of the trajectory to a new region in xyw space .
3 She signalled that they should lower their voices and follow her round the building to a new window smashed through the wall of the cottage .
4 The transition of the Course to a new structure and regulations in 1985–86 presented a unique data processing challenge .
5 There is no doubt that Napoleon III 's Italian policy , which seemed the prelude to a new era of French expansion , had alarmed the other European powers .
6 By the time that the Futurist exhibition opened at the Galerie Bernheim in February of the following year , Boccioni had reworked his States of Mind , a series of paintings which he felt held the key to a new range of subject-matter in painting , and Carrà and Russolo had abandoned or reworked some of their largest pre-Parisian canvases .
7 Oxygen later provided , in the hands of the great French systematiser Antoine Lavoisier , to be the key to a new era in chemistry .
8 Rachel looks quietly excited , peering round this dark alley like it 's the entrance to a new nightclub .
9 The AR-WACC Women 's Desk was closed this year because it was time to turn it over to an existing women 's group which would take the programme to a new phase in its development as well as broadening the network .
10 The Bundesbank 's refusal to cut German interest rates pushed the pound to a new low of two marks , forty-three and it 's also down against the dollar at one , seventy-one .
11 Winfrith has become the home to a new apprenticeship scheme serving the South West following the move of Headwey ( UK ) Limited to lease facilities on site .
12 It could be argued , therefore , that the rise of Mercia in the eighth century represented a serious destabilization of the southumbrian situation before the return to a new balance between the Mercians and the West Saxons in the first half of the ninth .
13 Museum officials plan to make her a prominent part of their new facility when they relocate the Museum to a new off-base location on the west side of March 's main runway , adjacent to a nearby major highway .
14 If you are subject to an express or implied mobility clause , which covers the move to a new base , the mere closure of the office or factory where you work at present will not in itself give rise to redundancy .
15 As Duncan illustrates in a brief discussion of the development of temperature scales , it is not merely that in science measurement becomes more precise and reliable in the move to a new type of scale , say a shift from the nominal categories " hot " and " cold " to degrees of heat to the Fahrenheit , Celsius and , lastly , the Kelvin scale , but that the theoretical basis also shifts .
16 ‘ Any suggestion that immigrants are being admitted on sufferance only , or that their range of choices , for example about where they live , is bring restricted , is likely to reinforce the unsettling effects of the move to a new environment which they will be making . ’
17 She would n't be fit enough to ride for at least a week , but she was able to organize the move to a new flat which Annie had found for her , situated just behind the saddler 's shop .
18 Tell yourself , ‘ The very fact that I am alive gives me the right to a new beginning . ’
19 To be sure of surprise and originality adapt the joke to a new locality or profession , or better still find a funny story based on a situation taken from real life .
20 So the transformation to a new order can only be achieved by shattering their stranglehold on social power , and the rise of a new dominant class which will introduce new property relations allowing productive forces to develop .
21 In so far as the approach to a new transaction has not been covered by the general comments made above , much depends on whether the conveyancer is acting for a seller or a buyer .
22 On present evidence it appears that Classical Greek craftsmen were the first to employ enamel , but that it was the Byzantine Greeks who carried the craft to a new level of accomplishment in the service of the imperial court and the rituals of eastern Christianity .
23 Betty Rizzo 's research has , of course , opened the door to a new understanding of Leapor .
24 Graham Taylor and Elton John , father figures of Watford 's glorious past , joined the salute to a new generation of Cup fighters at Vicarage Road .
25 Rachel 's Dairy will soon move from the farm to a new factory .
26 The use of labour exchanges to encourage vocational guidance and industrial training would , he argued , have three consequences : it would reduce risks of individual ‘ maladjustment ’ , which often meant waste of abilities and even unemployment ; it would adjust the flow of labour between trades ; and it would discourage ‘ blind-alley ’ occupations , which he saw as not only demoralizing , but also as likely to lead to ‘ a fresh point of stress in industry — the transition to a new occupation at manhood ’ .
27 If children 's anxiety in the transition to a new school can be eased by minimising the changes between class groups and between teachers at no extra cost , and no loss of educational effectiveness , it obviously makes sense to do so .
28 He suggested that extinct crocodiles found in the fossil record could have been transformed into their modern relatives when a modification of the environment triggered off the transition to a new growth pattern .
29 A clause was dropped from the proposals which would have deemed " inexpedient " the calling of a Congress of People 's Deputies during the transition to a new constitution .
30 ‘ But I can assure you that the last thing the Football League wants is a repeat of the Maidstone situation where a club struggles through the summer to a new season and then folds .
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